New episode! Who's ready for a sensitive, nuanced discussion about healthy body imagery? Well, too bad. We're talking about Kid Cannibal this week.
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#1990s #IndyComix #ComicBooks #Comics #KidCannibal #MalibuComics #EternityComics #BlackandWhiteComics #90sXtreme #Splatterpunk
#1990s #indycomix #comicbooks #comics #kidcannibal #malibucomics #eternitycomics #blackandwhitecomics #90sxtreme #splatterpunk
Fascinating #DollarBinDiscovery: Redfox was a fantasy comic that satirized the genre. The character started out in the British fanzine, DragonLords, before her strips were redrawn and revamped into its own series from Harrier Comics.
#Comics #Fantasy #ComicBooks #satire #redfox #barbarian #1980s #indiecomics #blackandwhite #blackandwhitecomics
#dollarbindiscovery #comics #fantasy #comicbooks #satire #redfox #barbarian #1980s #indiecomics #blackandwhite #blackandwhitecomics
Nice surprise today - it turns out this is my first comic work to see print!
Did this page as part of a Facebook comic-making challenge. It was "exquisite corpse" style - there is no script, each artist continues the story from the previous artist's page. The previous artist introduced the skeleton guy. I had the idea to have him pull his skull off, and gave him the name Les Yerson, AKA Visage, The Eyes Without a Face!
#makingcomics #comics #indycomics #blackandwhitecomics #clipstudiocomics
#makingcomics #comics #indycomics #blackandwhitecomics #clipstudiocomics