might also try #blackarch, I kinda just want to ridicule the riced desktop, it's even more over the top than kali
#Linux Weekly Roundup for April 9th, 2023: New #BlackArch Linux release, new Linux #gaming laptop from TUXEDO Computers, new #RISCV SBC from PINE64, new Tux Paint and OpenShot releases, new #KDE goodies, and much more https://9to5linux.com/9to5linux-weekly-roundup-april-9th-2023
#Linux #blackarch #gaming #RISCV #KDE #OpenSource #FOSS
Remote Logging #linux #programming #server #hacking #cyber #cybersecurity #ethicalhacking #kali #kalilinux #archlinux #blackarch
#linux #programming #server #hacking #cyber #cybersecurity #ethicalhacking #kali #kalilinux #archlinux #blackarch
I just tried #blackarch today, I don't care about the other stuff, but this #wireshark logo is so damn cute!
Shells is now a part of BlackArchs toolbox!
sudo pacman -S shellz
#shells #ctf #pentesting #infosec #infosecurity #blackarch
@catsalad The great thing is, if you use #Qubes you can create a template for anything else, the desktop is #Fedora but there are also #Debian templates.
You can run any #OS in it though, there's also a #Whonix template built in. So there's nothing stopping you from also running #ParrotOS, #Kali, #BlackArch, #Kodachi or anything you might want to use on top of it.
#qubes #Fedora #debian #os #whonix #parrotos #kali #kodachi #blackarch
Which #Linux OS distribution should I try next as my main? My go to dual boot for #PenTesting is #Kali, but how is #BlackArch? Haven't tried that one yet.
#linux #pentesting #kali #blackarch
> I'm a 15 y/o, #Cybersecurity (sic) professional with a strong interest in ethical #hacking, #penetrationTesting, vulnerability analysis, #webApplication security and network #security. (…) Turns out… all #mirrors in my #mirrorlist were facing problems, then I thought.. maybe I should host my own?
> And here we (sic) are, around three months later: currently mirroring 5 repositories. (#archLinux, #raspberryPi os, #manjaro, #blackArch, #chaoticAux)
Okay, CloudFlare.
#cybersecurity #hacking #penetrationtesting #webapplication #security #mirrors #mirrorlist #archlinux #raspberrypi #manjaro #blackarch #chaoticAux #india #albonyXYZ #albony
Test Enineering: Produktives Arbeiten im Penetrationtesting unter Linux mit Manjaro Linux und Blackarch Linux ( Plasma)
Vielfach nutzt man eben noch Windows als klassisches Arbeitsmittel und Umgebung. Innerhalb des Homeo
#Linux #Penetrationtest #Penetrationtesting #TestEngineering #Blackarch #Manjaro #Penetrationtest #Penetrationtesting
#linux #PenetrationTest #penetrationtesting #TestEngineering #blackarch #manjaro
#BlackArch é uma distro #Linux baseada no Arch Linux customizada para #Pentest. Além do #Kali Linux e #Parrot, temos também esta opção para usar.
Possui muitas tools no repositório e opção de download via torrent.
#parrot #kali #pentest #linux #blackarch
Мне совершенно непонятна популярность #Kali Linux. Это же коммерческий оверхайп дистр, основная цель которого - продавать платные версии msf, burp и заманивать людей на курсы и сертификацию, нет?
Большую часть утилит, доступных в кале, можно поставить в любом другом дистре. Значительную часть утилит, которые использует пентестер в работе "по привычке", как правило, он ставит в ту же калю с гитхаба, что можно, опять же, сделать в любом другом дистре.
Собственно, в чём тогда профит ставить Кали? Чтобы делать clone && make && make install с гитхаба?
В том же #BlackArch утилит в репах куда больше, например - у меня ни разу не случалось, чтобы мне там чего-то не хватало. В крайнем случае, всегда есть docker/lxd/lxc с минимальной калей, если уж и правда какой-то эксклюзив попадётся. Ну чрутнуться, на крайняк
Единственное, где я лично оценил преимущества Кали - в чруте на Андроиде, за счёт приложения NetHunter, но это довольно нишевая штука, и тот же #maemo #Leste юзать в чруте куда приятнее
Может я чего-то не знаю, объясните, кто понимает
#kali #blackarch #maemo #Leste #кулхацкеры #security
@rootbsd Hell yea. 😃
#Arch #danctnix that is themain image I use/installed both #Pinephone and the #Pinetab emmc :)
check out adding #blackarch sources to add many new interesting application choices for pentest/cryptography.
Made a video on this:
#arch #DanctNIX #pinephone #pinetab #blackarch
Keine Ahnung was die #Blackarch Entwickler für ein Problem haben, aber ist einfach komplett unbenutzbar. Bei so gut wie jedem Update gibt es Probleme mit fehlerhaften PGP-Keys, womit nicht nur die Blackarch-, sondern auch die normalen Pakete nicht updatebar sind.
Ganz abgesehen davon, dass ihr Repo wie ein lieblos zusammengewürfelter Pakethaufen von teils veralteter und nicht getesteter Software wirkt...
This week’s new toy: #metaploit on #blackarch
#metaploit #pentest #blackarch #security
My lovely netbook with only 1G RAM. 😆
Running #Kali makes it has only 450M remains.
#Blackarch is perfect here as it shipped with several #WM (live version). I can even run #firefox on it! (~140M on #openbox)
BTW, firefox eats a lot more mem (~350M) than #Chromium (~200M) that i am not aware of!
#blackarch #openbox #chromium #kali #wm #firefox
Finally, 😆, I just burned an live iso of #Blackarch (17GB) as a thin client machine; (coz it’s more useful) while didn’t put #alpinelinux .
📬Lesetipps: chinesische Spionage, eine riesen Blamage, BlackArch-Linux📬 https://tarnkappe.info/lesetipps-chinesische-spionage-eine-riesen-blamage-blackarch-linux/ #Datenschutz #Lesetipps #BlackArch #Imp0rtp3 #Artikel #Tetris #China #BBK
#bbk #china #tetris #artikel #Imp0rtp3 #blackarch #lesetipps #datenschutz
When searching around the distros equipped with as many as #metadata removing and #malware removing tools, I haven’t found a perfect solution that contains all i want (as for :
#exiftool, #mat2, #ffmpeg, #peepdf, pdf-redact-tool(#dangerzone), and #tesseract.
I have tried: #REMnux, #Kali, #Tails, #Blackarch. If no better existing solution, I will integrate them to my own distro. 😆
#tesseract #remnux #kali #tails #blackarch #metadata #malware #exiftool #mat2 #ffmpeg #peepdf #dangerzone
@banjofox because it's hard, LOL, I just like it. I'm trying out #BlackArch as a potentially quieter alternative to #Kali.
I love :debian: too, I just didn't find the emoji for it until now. 😂
I actually like all *nixes including darwin :mac: