Did you know❔
The [bbS] Bento Alicorn Expression HUD can be hidden on any side of your screen that you prefer by simply editing the ROOT prim?
#blackbackstudio #avatarmods #metaverse #furry #secondlife
Did a complete overhaul of one of the oldest products I've ever listed on the marketplace (Oct. 2013!) Now 100% original mesh, lower LI (9 down from 14), Bento hand animations, and now uses the AVsitter experience for automatic champagne flute attachment. :3
#blackbackStudio #SecondLife #metaverse #decor #homeandgarden
#homeandgarden #decor #metaverse #secondlife #blackbackstudio
[bbS] Bento Alicorn Head v3.1 update has been sent out. If you didn't receive the auto-update, please manually redelivery in-world or on the Marketplace. New features: Bump & Shiny applier capability for the head and eyes. Also unlinked the mesh muzzle object from all BoM version heads and instead included BoM muzzle tattoos.
#avatar #metaverse #blackbackstudio #mlp #secondlife