Global News BC: ‘Smelt like bear’: Video of B.C. van intruder prompts reminder from conservation officers #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ConservationOfficerService #BearAttractant #GoldRiverBear #BearAdvisory #Environment #Bearwarning #attractant #BearInCar #BlackBear #GoldRiver #Wildlife #Bear
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ConservationOfficerService #bearattractant #goldriverbear #bearadvisory #environment #bearwarning #attractant #bearincar #blackbear #goldriver #wildlife #bear
This is my handprinted linocut of an American black bear (Ursus americanus, previously known as Euarctos americanus) on delicate, translucent, handmade Japanese paper with embedded fibres. Each print is 8" by 8" (or 20.3 cm by 20.3 cm).
#linocut #printmaking #bear #washi #blackBear #sciart #wildlifeArt #MastoArt
#linocut #printmaking #bear #washi #blackbear #sciart #wildlifeart #mastoart
Global News BC: Black bear destroyed after climbing on top of 5-year-old child in Powell River #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCConservationOfficerService #BCbearkilledPowellRiver #BCbearkilled #Environment #BCblackbear #powellriver #BlackBear #BCbears #bccos #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #BCConservationOfficerService #bcbearkilledpowellriver #bcbearkilled #environment #bcblackbear #powellriver #blackbear #bcbears #bccos #BC
A character I have always wanted to play: "The Waka Waka WakaKandian" a Fozzy Bear/Black Panther mash up.
#marvel #muppets #mashup #Character #characterdesign #Waka #Fozzybear #Blackpanther #BlackBear
#marvel #muppets #mashup #character #characterdesign #waka #fozzybear #blackpanther #blackbear
This shot captured a special moment: the first (and so far, only) time I've come face-to-face with a bear.
#art #photography #bear #blackbear #SmokyMountains #Tennessee #CadesCove #GreatSmokyMountains #wildlife
#art #photography #bear #blackbear #smokymountains #tennessee #cadescove #greatsmokymountains #wildlife
Look who came for a visit yesterday (around 7:30pm)! 😳 🐻
This big boy came right up onto the deck, looking for a way to get to that bird feeder. Thankfully, we scared him off before he damaged anything.
I’ve seen plenty of bears, but this was a little too close for comfort!
As I mentioned this morning – Last night I spotted a young black bear outside, just as it was getting dark.
He wasn’t interested or curious about the house…he just used my laneway to walk up from the road, as an easy path.
It was too dark for a good phone video, but I played with the brightness & contrast, so at least you can see him. 😊
Forest living! 🌳🌲🌳
#quilting #sewing #ForestLiving #NovaScotia #nature #blackbear
#quilting #sewing #forestliving #novascotia #nature #blackbear
Global News BC: ‘Municipalities need to take leadership’: 500 B.C. black bears killed in 2022 #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCConservationOfficerService #BCblackbearskilled #Blackbearskilled #Environment #BCblackbear #Education #BlackBear #BCbears #bears #COS
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #BCConservationOfficerService #bcblackbearskilled #blackbearskilled #environment #bcblackbear #education #blackbear #bcbears #bears #cos
Global News BC: Black bear tranquilized in East Vancouver, just 3 km from downtown core #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ConservationOfficerService #EastVancouverbear #victoriadrivebear #BearInVancouver #VancouverBear #Environment #eastvanbear #BlackBear #citybear #Bear
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ConservationOfficerService #eastvancouverbear #victoriadrivebear #bearinvancouver #vancouverbear #environment #eastvanbear #blackbear #citybear #bear
Back in the States to visit my mom and didn’t expect this in the neighborhood
(Saw my first #BlackBear of the year while driving down the hollow. Looked to be a very healthy 2-year old. It ran off into the woods before I could get the phone out.)
Global News BC: B.C. cyclist seriously injured after colliding with a bear: ‘It all happened so fast’ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Bearandcyclistcrash #Bearversuscyclist #Cyclistversusbear #Cyclistcrashbear #Manridesintobear #Cyclisthitsbear #NorthVancouver #BlackBear #BCbears #Canada #Bear
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bearandcyclistcrash #bearversuscyclist #cyclistversusbear #cyclistcrashbear #manridesintobear #cyclisthitsbear #northvancouver #blackbear #bcbears #Canada #bear
Stagecoach: Kane Brown Breaks Mental Health Stigma With ‘Memory,’ Talks Depression #2023_04_30 #rolling_stone #charisma_madarang #music #music_country #blackbear #kane_brown #katelyn_brown #stagecoach
#2023_04_30 #rolling_stone #charisma_madarang #music #music_country #blackbear #kane_brown #katelyn_brown #stagecoach
Thirsty black bear breaks into jeep in search of pop! 😂
#marimoko #news #blackbear #bear #jeep #pop #breakin
A black bear
Loitering in an Asheville yard
Startles an unsuspecting man
#blackbear #asheville #surprise #wildlife #cinquain #poetry
Global News BC: BC Conservation euthanizes Salmon Arm mobile home park bear #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ConservationOfficerService #blackbearputdown #southerninterior #BCConservation #beareuthanized #mobilehomebear #SalmonArmbear #BCInterior #BlackBear #Sicamous #Shuswap #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ConservationOfficerService #blackbearputdown #southerninterior #BCConservation #beareuthanized #mobilehomebear #salmonarmbear #BCInterior #blackbear #Sicamous #shuswap #Canada
Meet Brume! my brand new bear sona, im so happy with her!
#furry #furryart #furryartist #art #artist #bear #bearsona #blackbear #ref #refsheet #brume #foggy #fog #forest #sfwfurry #sfwfurryart
#furry #furryart #furryartist #art #artist #bear #bearsona #blackbear #ref #refsheet #brume #foggy #fog #forest #sfwfurry #sfwfurryart
On a trip to see the Pryor Mustangs, our group was treated to an unexpected visit from a Mother Cinnamon Black Bear and her two cubs. She stood, looking towards the horses. One of her cubs followed her example and stood and looked as well. As they came down the hill and closer to us, our guide stood up waved his arms and hollered and they all ran away. Lucky as we were having a picnic lunch. #aYearforArt #blackbear #cinnamonbear #bearfamily #wildlifephotography
#ayearforart #blackbear #cinnamonbear #bearfamily #wildlifephotography
This week, drunk Russian man tries to steal Lenin’s corpse, data scientist finds Bigfoot sightings are likely bear sightings, and Chicago researchers create a Tamagotchi with a living fungus inside.
#Nelly #StLunatics #comedy #ai #russia #lenin #drunk #truecrime #Chuckberry #Moscow #Ozzy #Alamo #floefoxon #Bigfoot #Sasquatch #cryptid #animals #science #bear #blackbear #grizzlyman #WernerHerzog #Bigfootsighting #Scotland #Tamagotchi #watches #slimemold #DND #swatch #AppleWatch
#nelly #stlunatics #comedy #ai #russia #lenin #drunk #truecrime #chuckberry #moscow #ozzy #alamo #floefoxon #bigfoot #sasquatch #cryptid #animals #science #bear #blackbear #grizzlyman #wernerherzog #bigfootsighting #scotland #tamagotchi #watches #slimemold #dnd #swatch #applewatch