Yay! I spent longer reading up on #septic systems than it took me to clean the filter. I would have been even faster if I'd had a 1/4” hex bit for my drill. Now to go pick the last of the #blackberries. Good day #today.
"... You ate that first one and its flesh was sweet
Like thickened wine: summer's blood was in it
Leaving stains upon the tongue and lust for
Picking. Then red ones inked up and that hunger
Sent us out with milk cans, pea tins, jam-pots
Where briars scratched and wet grass bleached our boots..."
[from: Blackberry-Picking by Seamus Heaney]
Lovely! But that time already? Summer passed us by! #blackberries #foraging #crumble #summer #autumn
#blackberries #foraging #crumble #summer #autumn
As someone who goes blackberry picking at this time of year, I always wondered how commercial growers managed to pick them without getting ripped to shreds. The answer is obvious – develop thornless varieties.
But it turns out the thorns are vital for animals and nature.
#blackberries #blackberry #nature
Today's #harvest 👩🌾
More strange shaped cukes, blackberries, basil, & cherry tomatoes.
#zone8 #cucumbers #blackberries #basil #tomatoes #GardenersOfMastodon #SDFgardeners #FoodGardening #permaculture #GrowFoodNotLawns #FoodSecurity #vegetable #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #FoodSecurity #GrowItEatIt #FeedYourFamily #GrownFromSeed #GrowFoodNotHate #FoodHarvest #FreshHarvest #FoodFromMyYard #PlantFoods
#harvest #zone8 #cucumbers #blackberries #basil #tomatoes #gardenersofmastodon #sdfgardeners #foodgardening #permaculture #growfoodnotlawns #foodsecurity #vegetable #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #growiteatit #feedyourfamily #grownfromseed #growfoodnothate #foodharvest #freshharvest #foodfrommyyard #plantfoods
Just picked these lovely berries from the garden...
I'm thinking cheesecake!
#blackberries #garden #justpicked
#justpicked #garden #blackberries #naturesfruit
There’s a good #crop of #blackberries this year!
#nature #NaturePhotography #plant #fruit #softfruit #bramble #blackberry #summer #harvest #WWT #WWTCastleEspie #CountyDown #NorthernIreland
#crop #blackberries #nature #naturephotography #plant #fruit #softfruit #bramble #blackberry #summer #harvest #wwt #wwtcastleespie #countydown #northernireland
A different kind of #BloomScrolling!
These allegheny blackberry brambles are all over the tree line of our yard. There's not enough to harvest, unfortunately (yet - maybe someday). For now, I pop a few in my mouth while I'm wandering the yard, and leave the rest for the wildlife. 🥰
#nature #blackberries #berries #florespondence #bloomscrolling
When Sunday falls on a Tuesday and you have plenty of time to finally get around and making jam again.
Blackberry jam with berries from our garden, low sugar content
#Blackberries #BlackberryJam #JamMaking #Jam #Gardening #Preserving #SummerLove
#blackberries #blackberryjam #jammaking #jam #gardening #preserving #summerlove
‘tis the season! #blackberries #oregon #dogsofmastodon
#blackberries #oregon #dogsofmastodon
Bei uns sind die Brombeeren reif zur Ernte und warten nur darauf, einem in die Hände zu fallen - okay, ein wenig Bluttzoll muss eins an den Stacheln hinterlassen. 😅 Aber dafür könnt ihr daraus diesen wunderbaren Brombeerlikör mit Whisky und einem Hauch Kardamom machen.
Nicht vergessen: In nur 2 Monaten ist #Halloween und in 4 Monaten #Weihnachten 😱 - falls der Likör vorher nicht weggetrunken ist, eignet er sich auch wundervoll als blutiger Drink zu Halloween oder köstliches selbstgemachtes Weihnachtsgeschenk.
Tipp: Ihr wollt Himbeeren verarbeiten? Im Rezept verlinkt findet ihr auch mein bewährtes Rezept für himmlischen Himbeerlikör mit Vanille.
Schenkt mir doch bitte einen Boost, falls euch meine Rezeptidee gefällt. Your actions feed my blog! Danke! 🥰
#brombeeren #Brombeer #blackberries #Brombeerlikör #Whisky #Whiskylikör #Angesetzter #SelbstgemachterLikör #citygarden #Likör #Food #backyardgarden #Alkohol #alcohol #eatTheRainbow #urbanGardening #ernte #DerMagischeKessel #Rezept
#halloween #weihnachten #brombeeren #Brombeer #blackberries #brombeerlikor #whisky #whiskylikor #Angesetzter #selbstgemachterlikor #citygarden #likor #food #backyardgarden #alkohol #alcohol #eattherainbow #urbangardening #ernte #DerMagischeKessel #rezept
It was a beautiful day, so Rachie and I spent part of the afternoon picking blackberries! The trail behind our house is absolutely full of wild blackberry bushes, so we ended up with nearly 3 litres.
N decided to make lemon cupcakes, and she used our freshly picked blackberries to make the icing!
A month of blackberries cooked into a gallon of blackberry syrup. My first time bottling it in the hopes I can give it away. It’s too much for our family to eat alone. #yummy #blackberries #syrup #homemade
#yummy #blackberries #syrup #homemade
The blackberry bush outside the warehouse rear fire escape door has particularly large and lush fruits this year.
Think it's time to get tarted up.
#foraging #hedgerow #blackberries
Went out and picked my biggest mixing bowl full of #blackberries to make jelly. Yes, jelly! I don’t like the bits in jam so I bought the strainer setup and I’m going to make *jelly.*
I had a #donkey stalker while I was checking out this lil #bee. Ze was snagged on a spider web and while I helped free em, Samwise snuck up to see if I really wanted that whole entire bowl of berries. Yeah, I do, sorry buddy!
My legs are itchy.
Blackberries today. At cost
Of damn itchy legs.
#haiku #blackberries
Wondering what will happen if I post a #steamy video... 🤔😬
Phoar, it's getting a bit hot in here 🔥🔥🔥
#jam #blackberries #boiling
#steamy #jam #blackberries #boiling
A really good blackberry season is in full swing right now on #Tottenham Marshes. After weekend of berry boiling I now have Blackberry Jam and seedless Blackberry, Apple & Lime Jam on sale at https://jampedlar.co.uk. Free bicycle delivery to #Haringey addresses. #jam #blackberries #foraging
#tottenham #Haringey #jam #blackberries #foraging