#BlackCatBart the green eyed beguiler. Giving a sidelong glance from his upside-down stance. #BlackCat #Caturday
#Caturday #blackcat #blackcatbart
#BashBlackCat & #BlackCatBart wish you and yours a happy #Caturday.
#Caturday #blackcatbart #bashblackcat
#BlackCatBart a few minutes later. #BlackCat #NotCaturday - Easter Sunday, 2023.
#notcaturday #blackcat #blackcatbart
Video: #BlackCatBart trying to hide his impatience as I try to get a good picture. #BlackCat #NotCaturday - Easter Sunday, 2023.
#notcaturday #blackcat #blackcatbart
#BlackCatBart wishes you all a happy Easter. #BlackCat #NotCaturday
#notcaturday #blackcat #blackcatbart
#BashBlackCat fantasizing about how he’s going to use that super-claw of his - which he’s been sharpening all day - to finally score an illegal point in his wrestling matches with #BlackCatBart. #BlackCats #Caturday
#Caturday #blackcats #blackcatbart #bashblackcat
#BashBlackCat fantasizing about how he’s going to use that super-claw of his - that he’s been sharpening all day - to finally score an illegal point in his wrestling matches with #BlackCatBart. #BlackCats #Caturday
#Caturday #blackcats #blackcatbart #bashblackcat
#BlackCat Bart says, “ok, fixed my face. Where is my spring toy?” #BlackCatBart #Caturday
#Caturday #blackcatbart #blackcat
Me: “Barty 🙂 Have you been fighting with Bash again?” Bart: “Who me? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” #BlackCatBart #BlackCat #Caturday
#Caturday #blackcat #blackcatbart
A lazy, easy kind of Wednesday morning for #BashBlackCat (left) and #BlackCatBart on the living room couch. Bart is keeping a dutiful lookout for birds. #BlackCats
#blackcats #blackcatbart #bashblackcat
#BlackCatBart wishes you all a happy Sunday. #NotCaturday #BlackCats
#blackcats #notcaturday #blackcatbart
Also, #BlackCatBart’s favorite trick is knocking over one of the flower pots on that little table at the base of the cat tree. Every video I make seems to have a new mess there. But we like the plants there in the meantime.
If I lay this particular throw blanket over my lap, it’s guaranteed that #BlackCatBart will be over here making biscuits within two minutes. Then he will settle down for as long as I’m here. This is the main function of this blanket.
Happy #Caturday again, from #BlackCatBart (top-shelf) and #BashBlackCat (center box). Expand the lower two pics to see both of our #BlackCats.
#blackcats #bashblackcat #blackcatbart #Caturday