@bernardgollas Ja, meinst du, Ratzinger geht zufällig heute durch das Dimensionstor? :-D #blackeaster https://www.ardalpha.de/wissen/weltall/sternenhimmel/planeten-mars-saturn-venus-jupiter-merkur-100.html
The Greek Genocide began in the region of #EasternThrace. At a global conference of Thracian Greeks at Didymóteicho in June 2006, April 6 was assigned as the day of remembrance for the #genocide of the Greeks of Eastern Thrace. April 6 was chosen because it was on this day during Easter of 1914 that the persecution of Greeks in the region intensified. The #Greeks of Eastern Thrace refer to this day as #BlackEaster.
Read: https://www.greek-genocide.net/index.php/overview/documentation/eastern-thrace
#blackeaster #greeks #genocide #easternthrace