"Each week the sessions centre my needs, thoughts and feelings. My therapist holds me accountable and calls out my bullshit, lovingly. He accepts me and in turn our relationship has helped me better accept myself, even the parts I’ve tried to hide or ignore."
#Therapy #BlackFemale #WhiteMale #Therapist #BlackBallad #Views
#views #blackballad #therapist #whitemale #blackfemale #therapy
Tia Tyree, a #professor at #HowardUniversity , described #misogynoir as “ #contempt , #dislike ” or #mistreatment of #Black women.
Tyree, whose #research focuses on #representations of Black #women in #MassMedia , SocialMedia & #hiphopCulture , emphasized that misogynoir has been part of the #BlackFemale #experience in the #USA for centuries, dating back to the beginnings of #American #slavery .
#professor #howarduniversity #misogynoir #contempt #dislike #mistreatment #black #research #representations #women #massmedia #hiphopculture #blackfemale #experience #usa #american #slavery
Le son s'est épaissi, la basse est moins présente, les claviers font leur apparition mais la rage reste intacte. Le mouvement #punk a repris du poil de la bête depuis quelques années avec #BigJoannie, le trio britannique, fer de lance du renouveau des #riotgrrrl a sorti son nouvel album cette année et ma foi, ça décoiffe bien.
#blackfemale #postpunk #pouetradio #nowplaying #riotgrrrl #bigjoannie #punk
Innocent #Blackfemale property manager Ms Dunlop violently abused and handcuffed by white racist pigs because she's just doing her job.