Black Hat 2020: Satellite Comms Globally Open to $300 Eavesdropping Hack - Attackers can listen in on internet traffic for high-value targets a continent away, like shipping... #criticalinfrastructure #communications #cloudsecurity #eavesdropping #cryptography #blackhat2020 #interception #websecurity #jamespavur #listening #satellite #blackhat #maritime #shipping #oilrigs #oxford #hacks #isps #iot
#iot #isps #hacks #oxford #oilrigs #shipping #maritime #blackhat #satellite #listening #jamespavur #websecurity #interception #blackhat2020 #cryptography #eavesdropping #cloudsecurity #communications #criticalinfrastructure
Black Hat 2020: Using Botnets to Manipulate Energy Markets for Big Profits - Black Hat 2020 session discusses how high-wattage connected devices like dishwashers and heating s... #georgiainstituteoftechnology #criticalinfrastructure #blackhat2020 #iotdevices #iotskimmer #blackhat #bashlite #malware #botnets #hydra #mirai #iot
#iot #mirai #hydra #botnets #malware #bashlite #blackhat #iotskimmer #iotdevices #blackhat2020 #criticalinfrastructure #georgiainstituteoftechnology
Black Hat 2020: Linux Spyware Stack Ties Together 5 Chinese APTs - The groups, all tied to the Winnti supply-chain specialist gang, were seen using the same Linux ro... #malwareanalysis #cyberespionage #statesponsored #collaboration #blackhat2020 #kevinlivelli #malwarestack #blackberry #blackhat #backdoor #malware #chinese #rootkit #session #winnti #linux #apts
#apts #linux #Winnti #session #rootkit #chinese #malware #backdoor #blackhat #blackberry #malwarestack #kevinlivelli #blackhat2020 #collaboration #statesponsored #cyberespionage #malwareanalysis
Black Hat 2020: Scaling Mail-In Voting Spawns Broad Challenges - Voting Village security celeb Matt Blaze delves into the logistics of scaling up mail-in voting ah... #criticalinfrastructure #presidentialelection #electionsecurity #vulnerabilities #blackhat2020 #mailinvoting #government #challenges #mattblaze #blackhat #keynote #scale
#scale #keynote #blackhat #mattblaze #challenges #government #mailinvoting #blackhat2020 #vulnerabilities #electionsecurity #presidentialelection #criticalinfrastructure
A Cyber ‘Vigilante’ is Sabotaging Emotet’s Return - During Black Hat USA 2020, Threatpost talks to Sherrod DeGrippo, with Proofpoint, about Emotet's r... #newsmakerinterviews #lookbackmalware #blackhat2020 #blackhatusa #phishing #malware #videos #emotet #video
#video #emotet #videos #malware #phishing #blackhatusa #blackhat2020 #lookbackmalware #newsmakerinterviews
Black Hat USA 2020 Preview: Election Security, COVID Disinformation and More - Threatpost editors break down the top themes, speakers and sessions to look out for this year at B... #electionsecurity #votingsecurity #cloudsecurity #blackhat2020 #coronavirus #remotework #blackhat #podcasts #covid-19 #election #pandemic #appsec
#appsec #pandemic #election #covid #podcasts #blackhat #remotework #coronavirus #blackhat2020 #cloudsecurity #votingsecurity #electionsecurity
News Wrap: Twitter Hack, Apple Under Fire and Global Privacy Finger Wags - Threatpost editors talk about the biggest security news stories for the week ended Jul. 24. more: #securitydeviceresearchprogram #googleprojectzero #blackhat2019 #blackhat2020 #twitterhack #bugbounty #blackhat #podcasts #privacy #twitter #google #iphone #hacks #apple #cisco #webex #zoom
#zoom #webex #cisco #apple #hacks #iphone #google #twitter #privacy #podcasts #blackhat #bugbounty #twitterhack #blackhat2020 #blackhat2019 #googleprojectzero #securitydeviceresearchprogram