£4k grants for 8 Black led groups and Black individuals via https://81actsofexuberantdefiance.com/funding/
The 1981 Brixton uprisings were followed by Black communities in Handsworth, Chapeltown, Toxteth, and Moss Side. These events permanently altered the trajectory of the Black experience in Britain for generations.
Produce your own Act of Exuberant Defiance, and leave your mark on the struggle against inequity.
Info webinar Thurs 9 Feb 7:30 PM
#ukhistory #blackhistory #UK #blackheritage #Artsfunding
#StampCollecting #BlackHeritage
Received in this week's mail - the 5th issue in the Black Heritage series, honoring Jackie Robinson (1919-1972).
"I know that I am a black man in a white world. In 1972, in 1947, at my birth in 1919, I know that I never had it made."
- printed by multicolor lithography, apparently CMYK plus a golden brown frame. The yellow screen was significantly out of registration, shifted to the left.
- close up of the upper left
- close up of the lettering at bottom
#stampcollecting #blackheritage