@andreasdotorg if I were @internetarchive I'd limit the amount of traffic and connections #AWS can make to 1 per IPv4 & 1 per IPv6 @ 64kbit/s and automatically abuse-report and temporarily soft-block the source IPs via #blackholing [like any #DDoS] if not the entire #AWS #AS!
@mayu OFC they don't talk about anything disruptive.
#Blackholing #protests and literally covering them up in #Mainstream #MassMedia is so rampant, "#Revolution won't be Televised!" applies wholeheartedly.
And those journos that don't flee by illegal #Intimidation from #Police get jailed.
This is literally how facism works...
#Police #intimidation #revolution #massmedia #mainstream #protests #blackholing
@hackdefendr I hope #DECIX and #ISP's have taken preventive measures and started #blackholing the attacks.
@jeff @BNetzA Good #ISP's and #Hoster will offer #blackholing and #Filtering of traffic - espechally #DDoS-Protection at no extra charge.
In these cases, providers that are #peering on #IX'es like #DECIX can just do #blackholing at the IX, facilitating it very efficiently.
#DECIX #iX #peering #DDoS #filtering #blackholing #hoster #isp