»Rok temu zmarł Peter Straub«
Amerykański pisarz horrorów i powieści fantastycznych oraz poeta Peter Straub zmarł 4 września 2022 roku w wieku 79 lat.
#Fahrenheit_zin #TheTalizman #StephenKing #CzarnyDom #Julia #BlackHouse #PeterStraub #Mystery #Marriages #UnderVenus #Upiornaopowieść #GhostStory #Krainacieni #Shadowland #FloatingDragon #Tajemnica #PanX #MrX #Talizman
#fahrenheit_zin #thetalizman #stephenking #czarnydom #julia #blackhouse #peterstraub #mystery #marriages #undervenus #upiornaopowiesc #ghoststory #krainacieni #shadowland #floatingdragon #tajemnica #panx #mrx #talizman
Design Milk : Old Boy Scout Camp Becomes Lakefront House Inspired by Minecraft https://design-milk.com/old-boy-scout-camp-becomes-lakefront-house-inspired-by-minecraft/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=old-boy-scout-camp-becomes-lakefront-house-inspired-by-minecraft #StephensonDesignCollective #waterfronthouse #InteriorDesign #Architecture #residential #shousugiban #blackhouse #glasshouse #Washington #LakeHouse #house #Main
#stephensondesigncollective #waterfronthouse #interiordesign #architecture #residential #shousugiban #blackhouse #glasshouse #washington #lakehouse #house #main
@UndisScot My father's parents lived in one of these "black houses" on Lewis before he was born. An earlier son of theirs was a toddler when he went too close to the open fire and knocked over a big pot of water which was boiling over the fire and was scalded so badly he died. Soon after that the family moved to one of the new "white houses" where my father was born and he escaped that danger.
#Blackhouse #Lewis #WesternIsles #Scotland
#WesternIsles #lewis #blackhouse #scotland
The highly memorable peat smoke atmosphere at the superb Blackhouse Museum at Arnol on the Isle of Lewis in the Western Isles. The museum recreates a way of life that was once common across significant parts of Scotland. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/lewis/blackhousemuseum/index.html
#Scotland #BlackhouseMuseum #Blackhouse #Lewis #Arnol #WesternIsles #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #WesternIsles #Arnol #lewis #blackhouse #blackhousemuseum #scotland
Design Milk : A Mid-Century Eichler Home Gets Respectfully Updated for 21st Century https://design-milk.com/a-mid-century-eichler-home-gets-respectfully-updated-for-21st-century/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-mid-century-eichler-home-gets-respectfully-updated-for-21st-century #GustaveCarlsonDesign #mid-centurymodern #homerenovation #JosephEichler #Architecture #bluekitchen #mid-century #residential #shousugiban #blackhouse #California #renovation #glassroof #Eichler #atrium #house
#gustavecarlsondesign #mid #homerenovation #josepheichler #architecture #bluekitchen #residential #shousugiban #blackhouse #california #renovation #glassroof #eichler #atrium #house
Design Milk : A Modern Cabin That Rises Above the Trees to Maximize the Views https://design-milk.com/a-modern-cabin-that-rises-above-the-trees-to-maximize-the-views/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-modern-cabin-that-rises-above-the-trees-to-maximize-the-views #TwobytwoArchitectureStudio #mountainhouse #Architecture #cabindesign #Moderncabin #residential #blackhouse #cabins #canada #cabin #house #Main
#twobytwoarchitecturestudio #mountainhouse #architecture #cabindesign #moderncabin #residential #blackhouse #cabins #canada #cabin #house #main
My reaction to my next Stephen King read, Black House (a collaboration with the exceptional Peter Straub), is now available. Spoiler-lite, less than five minutes. #StephenKing #fantasy #horror #BlackHouse https://youtu.be/2BdPzL6mlWw
#stephenking #fantasy #horror #blackhouse
Design Milk : The Hilltop House Cleverly Hides a Garage Underneath Grassy Slopes https://design-milk.com/the-hilltop-house-cleverly-hides-a-garage-underneath-grassy-slopes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-hilltop-house-cleverly-hides-a-garage-underneath-grassy-slopes #mode:linaArchitektura #Architecture #residential #blackhouse #mode:lina #Poland #Poznan #house #Main
#mode #architecture #residential #blackhouse #poland #poznan #house #main
Design Milk : A Swiss Lake Residence Inspired by Old, Minimalist Boathouses https://design-milk.com/a-swiss-lake-residence-inspired-by-old-minimalist-boathouses/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-swiss-lake-residence-inspired-by-old-minimalist-boathouses #RalphGermannarchitectes #Architecture #RalphGermann #residential #Switzerland #blackhouse #LakeHouse #house #Main
#ralphgermannarchitectes #architecture #ralphgermann #residential #switzerland #blackhouse #lakehouse #house #main
Derelict black house, Tiree, Scotland.
Oh to have the opportunity to restore this wonderful house!
#scotland #island #beach #blackhouse #Tiree
Inktober 4: Lord Malshun
The King is in his Tower, eating bread and honey. The Breakers in the basement, making all the money.
#inktober #iktober2022 #art #drawing #ink #illustration #sketch #inktoberday #artist #artwork #draw #sketchbook #creativetoots #day #inkdrawing #digitalart #mastoart #fanart #blackandwhite #artoftheday #inkart #halloween #inktoberchallenge #traditionalart #doodle #painting #sketching #blackhouse #allhailthecrimsonking #stephenking
#stephenking #allhailthecrimsonking #blackhouse #sketching #painting #doodle #TraditionalArt #inktoberchallenge #halloween #inkart #artoftheday #BlackAndWhite #FanArt #MastoArt #DigitalArt #inkdrawing #day #CreativeToots #sketchbook #draw #artwork #artist #inktoberday #sketch #illustration #ink #drawing #art #iktober2022 #inktober