Typical Saturday morning (for us!): used our massive front-loader to move our equally massive jarrah timbers (reclaimed materials for our eco-home construction). These two beams have an incredible story: they were part of the Esperance tanker jetty, constructed in 1935 and demolished in 2016. However, these two beams are not actually from the demolition. Instead, they were removed in the 1970s when a ship collided with the jetty, causing damage. A local jetty worker stored the beams in his shed for the past 40 years! Importantly, for a very long, sad period of our history, the jetty (and thus, these timbers) marked the boundary for local Aboriginal communities. Their people were forced to leave the township (their traditional lands) and be out past the jetty (“line in the sand”) before sunset, or risk being arrested. This persisted until 1967 (not ancient history, folks). In placing these timbers at the front entrance of our home (and on traditional lands which we bought, but will never ‘own’), we create an opportunity tell this important story to all who visit 💛

#colonisation #esperancejetty #sustainablebuilding #blackline

Last updated 2 years ago

Cerveaux Non Disponibles · @cerveauxnondisponibles
6558 followers · 28234 posts · Server mamot.fr

RT @CharliB97783485
Les gendarmes ont arraché la banderole en tête de cortège

#blackline #giletsjaunes #convoisdelaliberte #ConvoiFrance2022

Last updated 3 years ago

Cerveaux Non Disponibles · @cerveauxnondisponibles
6614 followers · 28241 posts · Server mamot.fr

RT @CharliB97783485
Les gendarmes ont arraché la banderole en tête de cortège

#blackline #giletsjaunes #convoisdelaliberte #ConvoiFrance2022

Last updated 3 years ago