Un jour ils sont #BlackLivesMatters, le lendemain, ils enfoncent la jeunesse du Sénégal, même sous les balles de Macky et avec l'appui de la FranceAfrique, qui a coupé les réseaux sociaux, sous l'oeil bienveillant de Niel et d'Orange.
Ma fille à l'instant : "Papa, je ne peux pas accéder à Youtube ?"
#SFPD (and the mainstream press) keeps insisting that the #cops need to access private #cameras to fight crime. They keep adoing it to watch #BlackLivesMatters protests. @sfstandard, for example, stop being a police stenographer. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/05/sfpd-obtained-live-access-business-camera-network-anticipation-tyre-nichols
#sfpd #cops #cameras #blacklivesmatters
#afrofuturism #afrotech #blackexcellence #blacklondon #ukblackownedbusinesses #blackqueen #blacknation #aiafro #blacklives #blacklivesmatters #blackculturematters #blackpeople #blackaiart #melanin #dopeblackart #afroart #blackwomenempowerment #blackgirlaffirmations #blackhealing #blackhistory #blackfuturity #blackmastodon #blackfedi #blackfediverse #blackfriday
#afrofuturism #afrotech #blackexcellence #blacklondon #ukblackownedbusinesses #blackqueen #blacknation #aiafro #blacklives #blacklivesmatters #blackculturematters #blackpeople #blackaiart #melanin #dopeblackart #afroart #blackwomenempowerment #blackgirlaffirmations #blackhealing #blackhistory #blackfuturity #blackmastodon #blackfedi #blackfediverse #blackfriday
BRAGA| “¿De quién es esta historia?”: Rebecca Solnit comenta su nuevo ensayo sobre el #MeToo y el movimiento #BlackLivesMatters https://t.co/pFxYDPQ3Yg
May 15, 2019 and June 7, 2020 - Edson Rosa, a classic activist of the demonstrations in Rio, holds signs with the words: "The strike didnt cause chaos, it was chaos that caused the strike!" and "I can't breathe!"
🎞 Videos I made about:
• May 15, 2019 - Demonstration against the cut in public education funding: https://youtu.be/-0dxjX3ocQ0
• June 7, 2020 - #BlackLivesMatters: https://youtu.be/895UZPBAliE
#photography #photo #activism #mediaactivism #filmmaker #filmmakers #videographer #videographers
#blacklivesmatters #photography #photo #filmmaker #filmmakers #videographer #videographers #activism #mediaactivism
Black Lives Matter Creates Student Debt Fund As Federal Relief Stalls
#news #politcs #uspolitics #blacklivesmatters #studentdebt #studentdebtrelief
#news #politcs #uspolitics #blacklivesmatters #StudentDebt #StudentDebtRelief
Notes: I don't know why an image that only says #BlackLivesMatters is marked as sensitive media when hashtags like #/BlackLivesStillDontMatter are not.
Also I only marked the rest of the thread with CW so I would not be overwhelming the stream.
#BlackMastodon I see you. I am just thinking and exhausted.
#blacklivesmatters #blackmastodon
Too many deaths for questionable reasons from #Police all over the world.
They even struggle to prove any worthwhile detention and arrest reasons. Let alone clearly identify reasons.
Police should never investigate other police.
#DefundThePolice #BlackLivesMatters
#police #DefundThePolice #blacklivesmatters
Three of four police officers with no activated body cam footage happening during a home visit to a known person, Aboriginal person.
#DeathsInCustody #BlackLivesMatters #AboriginalLivesMatters #Policing #ChangeTheSystem
#deathsincustody #blacklivesmatters #aboriginallivesmatters #policing #changethesystem
#intro Hi! I'm Katrina, known on the internet as Lady K. I'm a farm raised city dweller, #solomom of 2 nuerodivergent queer kids, #exvangelica #atheist , theater major turned office worker, creating #stories and #art in stolen moments.
I advocate for #socialjustice #BlackLivesMatters #SocialSafetyNet #healthcareforall #taxtherich #environmentalawareness #LGBTQT #guncontrol #MentalHealth #Nuerodivergent #AutismAdvocacy #feminism #ReproductiveRights
#intro #solomom #exvangelica #atheist #stories #art #socialjustice #blacklivesmatters #socialsafetynet #healthcareforall #taxtherich #environmentalawareness #lgbtqt #guncontrol #mentalhealth #nuerodivergent #autismadvocacy #feminism #ReproductiveRights
😊Vielleicht finde ich hier noch weitere Leute mit ähnlichen Interessen:
Ich interessiere mich für Themen wie
#Geschichte (Neue Geschichte)
#Politik #Soziologie #Psychologie
Eine vielfältige und gerechtere Gesellschaft:
#inklusion #integration
#antirassismus (#rassismus)
#blacklivesmatters #lgbtiq
#obdachlosigkeit #armut
#einewelt #notjustsad
#kultur #brettspiele
#geschichte #Erinnerungskultur #menschenrechte #politik #Soziologie #Psychologie #empowerment #inklusion #Integration #antirassismus #Rassismus #blacklivesmatters #lgbtiq #Obdachlosigkeit #armut #EineWelt #notjustsad #kultur #Brettspiele #koeln
@void pues primero se echó a los judíos encima por decir cosas y lo tacharon de antisemita, luego está diciendo que el #BlackLivesMatters es un invento de los blancos judíos para entorpecer a los negros.
El vato está diciendo cosas muy buenas acerca de los negros para levantar su orgullo y su raza, y lo están cancelando al wey.
Está diciendo cosas que van ahí por el lado conspiranoico, pero que son ciertas.
Por ejemplo lo de las clínicas del aborto.
This is a thread of poems. One of the best of internet.
RT @koo_bts@twitter.com
cops being humiliated by protesters, a thread💢🥱 #BlackLivesMatters
Da tutta Italia in piazza a Bologna per chiedere corridoi umanitari dall’Afghanistan https://www.zic.it/da-tutta-italia-in-piazza-a-bologna-per-chiedere-corridoi-umanitari-dallafghanistan/ #laboratoriodisalutepopolare #adlcobasemilia-romagna #movimentoidentitàtrans #CollettivaMatsutak #Blacklivesmatters #corrodoiumanitari #Guerreeconflitti #AcabnewsBologna #smaschieramenti #Malaeducación #mujereslibres #afghanistan #LinkBologna #BSidePride #Migranti #yabasta #labas #Plus #tpo
#tpo #plus #labas #yabasta #migranti #bsidepride #LinkBologna #afghanistan #mujereslibres #Malaeducación #smaschieramenti #acabnewsbologna #guerreeconflitti #corrodoiumanitari #blacklivesmatters #CollettivaMatsutak #movimentoidentitàtrans #adlcobasemilia #laboratoriodisalutepopolare
RT @YourAnonCentral@twitter.com
No charges for police officer Rusten Sheskey who shot Jacob Blake 7 times in the back in front of his children.
Blake is now paralyzed from the waist down. #BlackLivesMatters #EndImpunity
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/YourAnonCentral/status/1346581568869961729
#blacklivesmatters #endimpunity
It's been quite a year #2020 ( if you know the history of Randy Orton, you know how BIG a deal and suprise this tweet was)
RT @RandyOrton@twitter.com
All lives DO matter, but the point I was trying to make is that I finally realized that until #BlackLivesMatters, they can’t. Get it? https://twitter.com/AmericanEst1986/status/1266486726513455104
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RandyOrton/status/1266498139105529856
#2600 #hacker #politics "I will not bow down america" #blacklivesmatters
#hacker #politics #blacklivesmatters
#2600 #hacker #politics "I will not bow down america" #blacklivesmatters
#hacker #politics #blacklivesmatters
Quanto contano la vita e il lavoro in pelle nera? Milano, le fragole e il lavoro migrante http://www.connessioniprecarie.org/2020/08/27/quanto-contano-la-vita-e-il-lavoro-in-pelle-nera-milano-le-fragole-e-il-lavoro-migrante/ #Blacklivesmatters #Lavoromigrante #di∫social #Razzismo
#blacklivesmatters #lavoromigrante #di #razzismo
Un Convention senza movimenti. Contro Trump! Ma chi si voterà a Joe Biden? http://www.connessioniprecarie.org/2020/08/21/un-convention-senza-movimenti-contro-trump-ma-chi-si-votera-a-joe-biden/ #∫connessioniglobali #Blacklivesmatters #FeliceMometti #DonaldTrump #GeorgeFloyd #StatiUniti
#blacklivesmatters #felicemometti #donaldtrump #GeorgeFloyd #statiuniti