The ability to control camera settings from #AtemMini is very nice. Unfortunately it also disables #ProRes so the only recording format in camera is 6K #blackmagicraw.
And it locks the FPS just to really fuck with you.
So an hour of video takes over 500GB.
Fortunately USB-C 2GB SSDs can be used so not really such a big issue. Archiving originals will just be a real #pita
#atemmini #prores #blackmagicraw #pita
とうとうLumix S1HでBraw出力が可能に!勢い余ってマイクの前で久々にしゃべりきりました。帰宅途中の車中や電車の中で、作業中に、就寝前に、ゆるりと聞いていただければ嬉しいです。
#ネットラジオ #BlackmagicRAW #S1H