Nice essay by Christian Cooper, the #birder who was accosted by a white woman in Central Park 3 years ago. His life has changed for the better since that ugly incident. Gift link:
#birding #BlackMastodonAlly #BlackMastodon
#birder #birding #blackmastodonally #BlackMastodon
wondering if groups staying tagged in replies by hostile/unsupportive people is as draining to others as it is to me. I'm watching for the second time in a few days someone with a generally anti-Black bent be boosted repeatedly by the Black mastodon group because the group is tagged in their replies. First time I saw this, I stepped in and recommended untagging the group. Is that helpful? Or am I just overly bothered by something meaningless?
#blackmastodonally #blackmastodonallies
Wonderful profile of Christina Sharpe, who wrote In the Wake. I love her analysis of Beloved.
#blackmastodonally #BlackMastodon
Nice story about Barbara Brandon-Croft’s collection of her comic strip, “Where I’m Coming From.” Gift link.
#blackmastodonally #blackhistorymonth
One woman’s forgotten story reveals a dirty truth about Africa’s written histories
Regina Twala was an influential writer and political activist of the 50s and 60s. Yet while European men gained acclaim from her work, her name was almost erased from memory
#link #article #BlackMastodonAlly
#link #article #blackmastodonally
Yale honors Black girl, nine, wrongly reported to police over insect project
#news #GoodNews #BlackMastodonAlly
#news #goodnews #blackmastodonally
@KFuentesGeorge Generally, I agree, although I think the #BlackMastodonAlly and #IndigenousAllyMastodon tags need to exist to keep people discussing how to Do Better or learning efforts apart from community discussions, if that makes sense. It's not perfect naming. In a perfect world, it would be a more condemnatory term, but then you run into the more flies with honey or vinegar problem...
#blackmastodonally #indigenousallymastodon