Not the finest weather today for Munro bagging, but no. 56 and 57 today for me, Meall a'Bhuiridh and Creise from Glencoe Ski Centre. Clag cleared up at the bealach between the two hills but stayed hidden at the summits.
#meallabhuiridh #creise #blackmount #glencoe #glencoeskicentre #hillwalking #hillwalkingscotland #hillbagging #scottishhills #hiking #hikingscotland #outdoors #outdooradventures #scotlandoutdoors #scotlandmountains #scottishmountains #munros #munrobagging #visitscotland
#visitscotland #munrobagging #munros #scottishmountains #scotlandmountains #scotlandoutdoors #outdooradventures #outdoors #hikingscotland #hiking #scottishhills #hillbagging #hillwalkingscotland #hillwalking #glencoeskicentre #glencoe #blackmount #creise #meallabhuiridh
Good night tooters.
I took this photo near the Black Mount.
Best pic of a Stag I've ever taken.
Sweet dreams to you all. x
#highlands #stag #blackmount #scotland