when you discover that an indisputable guitar virtuoso was also a good human being, file under 'TIL that jimi hendrix supported the seattle chapter of the black panther party'.
#blackPantherParty #jimiHendrix #seattle #blackPanthers #music #radicalPolitics #blackMastodon
#BlackMastodon #radicalpolitics #Music #blackpanthers #Seattle #jimihendrix #blackpantherparty
Pigs get out of the ghetto; get out of Africa; get out of Asia, get out of Latin America.
#BlackPantherParty Minister of Culture, Emory Douglas, Jan 4 1969.
Esperienze estetiche fondamentali / 6: Sam Spade, detective be bop, e il Dottor Sax, che sussurra nelle tenebre https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/06/21/esperienze-estetiche-fondamentali-6-sam-spade-detective-be-bop-e-il-dottor-sax-che-sussurra-nelle-tenebre/ #Jean-LouisLebrisdeKérouac #LawrenceFerlinghetti #Ilbuiooltrelasiepe #BlackPantherParty #Lamorbidamacchina #AgenziaPinkerton #Ilfalconemaltese #WilliamBurroughs #CornellWoolrich #DashiellHammett #Beatgeneration #HerbertMarcuse #AltroQuando
#jean #lawrenceferlinghetti #ilbuiooltrelasiepe #blackpantherparty #Lamorbidamacchina #AgenziaPinkerton #Ilfalconemaltese #williamburroughs #CornellWoolrich #dashiellhammett #beatgeneration #HerbertMarcuse #AltroQuando
If you’re in New York, I strongly recommend the Black Power to Black People: Branding the Black Panther Party exhibition at the Poster House https://posterhouse.org/exhibition/black-power-to-black-people/ #PosterHouse #BlackPower #BlackPantherParty #BlackPanthers
#posterhouse #blackpower #blackpantherparty #blackpanthers
#bricedailyphoto #poster #brandingtheblackpantherparty #blackpowertoblackpeople #blackpantherparty #posterhouse #manhattan #newyorkcity #coronation
Came across this on one of my other feeds, of possible interest.
>The Black Panther Party's 1968 Recommended Reading List
#RA #ReadersAdvisory #BlackHistory #books #reading #BlackPantherParty #Bookstodon
Note also the titles the article suggests to supplement their list.
#bookstodon #blackpantherparty #reading #books #blackhistory #ReadersAdvisory #ra
Assata, Une Autobiographie by Assata Shakur; Collectif Cases Rebelles
#autobiographie, #biographie, #AssataOlugbalaShakur, #étatsunis, #négrophobie, #BlackPanthers, #BlackPantherParty, #ArméedeLibérationNoire, #prison, #détention, #prisonnierspolitiques, #répressionétatique, #luttearmée, #révolution, #anticapitalisme, #libérationnoire
"Assata Shakur fut, dans les années 60 et 70, militante du Black Panther Party et de l'Armée de Libération Noire. Elle a connu le formidable bouillonnement d'une époque de révoltes et d'espérances pour les Noirs des États-Unis, comme la répression. De sa tendre enfance à son exil à Cuba, ses souvenirs se structurent autour du récit d'un emprisonnement de six ans. Une exceptionnelle leçon d'histoire populaire et d'engagement dans laquelle Assata dresse un portrait sans fard de l'oppression raciale et de la violence capitaliste aux États-Unis. Cette autobiographie est une lettre d'amour au peuple noir ainsi qu'à tous les opprimés. Une source d'inspiration inaltérable pour celles et ceux qui, à travers le monde, exigent la dignité et la justice."
#autobiographie #biographie #AssataOlugbalaShakur #etatsunis #negrophobie #blackpanthers #blackpantherparty #armeedeliberationnoire #prison #detention #prisonnierspolitiques #repressionetatique #luttearmee #revolution #anticapitalisme #liberationnoire
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #BlackPantherParty
Yeah, I know it looks like I'm stuck in the 60s/70s. I'm not (except maybe for some music) but I don't know if young folks know this history. The Black Panthers were labeled as terrorists, violent, militant, etc. The attached describes what they actually asked for. Too much?
The Black Panther Party Ten-Point Program (1966)
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #blackpantherparty
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #BlackPantherParty
A brief overview of The Black Panther Party.
The Black Panther Party: Challenging Police and Promoting Social Change | National Museum of African American History and Culture
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #blackpantherparty
Power to the people: the branding of the Black Panther party – in pictures
A new exhibition at New York’s Poster House explores how the Black Panther Party’s bold graphics proposed a vision of revolutionary freedom.
#Art #Design #GraphicDesign #BlackPantherParty
#art #design #graphicdesign #blackpantherparty
Today in #Connecticut History, March 13: A City, State, & Country Divided: The New Haven Black Panther Trials
Read the Story and Subscribe for Daily Updates
#20thcentury #alexrackley #blackpantherparty #blackpanthers #bobbyseale #civilrights #connecticuthistory #crimeandpunishment #erickahuggins #fbi #hueynewton #jedgarhoover #march #middlefield #murder
#connecticut #20thcentury #alexrackley #blackpantherparty #blackpanthers #bobbyseale #civilrights #connecticuthistory #crimeandpunishment #erickahuggins #fbi #hueynewton #jedgarhoover #march #middlefield #murder
I miss the Panthers.
Was anyone else there? I remember taking the bus (still DC Transit back then IIRC) down to the Mall for this. I also remember the attendees almost outnumbered by all the men in dark suits with movie cameras circling around.
#CivilRights #BlackPantherParty #Sixties #Seventies
#seventies #sixties #blackpantherparty #civilrights
A #pixelart drawing I made ages ago, in #Krita if I remember correctly. Huey P. Newton #BlackPanther #BlackPantherParty
#pixelart #krita #blackpanther #blackpantherparty
L'écriture collective de [l'article Wikipédia] dédié au #BlackPantherParty, sujet brûlant, a alimenté certaines oppositions avant d'aboutir à une page satisfaisante. «En ne laissant que quelques personnes écrire l'article, on n'aurait eu qu'une vision de ce mouvement. Le fait de réunir de nombreux contributeurs dans un collectif nous a permis de ne pas oublier de parler de certains aspects, comme les nombreuses femmes qui composaient le mouvement.»
Filmed this piece with ABC7 Bay Area's Jobina Fortson about Fredrika Newton's life after the murder of #BlackPantherParty co-founder Huey Newton.
Huey P. Newton was born #OTD in 1942. He co-founded the Black Panther Party (BPP) and its subsequent newspaper, and co-wrote the Party’s 10-point manifesto. Through the BPP he helped create over 60 community programs, including Free Breakfast for Children, which was so successful that the US government continued it even after using #COINTELPRO to discredit it.
Today's art is by Eri0L:
#history #USA #BlackPantherParty #BlackHistoryMonth #communism #ToWeRi #Feb17
#feb17 #toweri #communism #blackhistorymonth #blackpantherparty #usa #history #cointelpro #otd