Guten Morgen zusammen ☕🍵 Die Masterarbeit ist mittlerweile auf 40 Seiten (von mindestens 60) angewachsen, und ich habe immer noch knapp 2 Monate Zeit. So darf es gerne weitergehen.
Und zur Feier des Tages: Musik! Heute von den großartigen #BlackRebelMotorcycleClub , die ich dank der Serie "Misfits" entdeckt habe (tolle Serie, aber nur bis zur 3. Staffel). Ich habe die Folge damals direkt gestoppt und erstmal das komplette Album durchgehört.
#BRMC - Love burns
#brmc #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
#nowplaying #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club:
🎵 Red Eyes and Tears
#nowplaying #bbc6music #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
#nowplaying #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #LaurenLaverne
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club:
🎵 Spread Your Love
#nowplaying #bbc6music #LaurenLaverne #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club:
🎵 Spread Your Love
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MiddayShow
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club:
🎵 As Sure as the Sun
#nowplaying #MiddayShow #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
#nowplaying #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicsIndieForever
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club:
🎵 Berlin
#nowplaying #bbc6music #6MusicsIndieForever #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #ClassicIrishAlbums
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club:
🎵 Love Burns
#nowplaying #bbc6music #classicirishalbums #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MiddayShow
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club:
🎵 Stop
#nowplaying #MiddayShow #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
#nowplaying #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club:
🎵 Red Eyes and Tears
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #LaurenLaverne
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club:
🎵 Whatever Happened to My Rock 'n' Roll (Punk Song)
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#nowplaying #bbc6music #LaurenLaverne #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
10 years ago, #BlackRebelMotorcycleClub @BRMCofficial at @LeTrianonParis @Paris @LivenationFR #PhotosConcerts #RobertGil
#blackrebelmotorcycleclub #photosconcerts #robertgil
#nowplaying #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
#nowplaying #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
Lockdown Memories
Misère de la Philosophie - Whatever Happened to my Rock’n’Roll (Black Rebel Motorcycle Club)
#misèredelaphilosophie #lockdownmemories #whateverhappenedtomyrocknroll #punk #song #rocknroll #blackrebelmotorcycleclub #indoorbluesinevitableparty
#miseredelaphilosophie #lockdownmemories #whateverhappenedtomyrocknroll #punk #song #rocknroll #blackrebelmotorcycleclub #indoorbluesinevitableparty
#nowplaying #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club:
🎵 Beat the Devil’s Tattoo
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #blackrebelmotorcycleclub