@ConorMahood Irish novelist #BrianMoore's 1997 #BlackRobe about the French colonisation/stealing of Canada from native peoples with aid of #CatholicPriests may seem culturally appropriative these days (I can't remember as I read it 25 years ago), but if memory serves he tried hard to avoid that awful thing of making the Algonquins speak in some pigeon-style like film and TV still do today--as if English is the only language (which happened in IRL too)...
#brianmoore #blackrobe #catholicpriests
Always looking for new folks to connect with, so here are some of my favorite hashtagged movies:
#StarWars (all of them)
#IndianaJones films
Okay…that’s a start!
#starwars #thebiglebowski #obrotherwhereartthou #officespace #slapshot #thegodfather #theexorcist #bigtroubleinlittlechina #thething #lastofthemohicans #blackrobe #casablanca #themaltesefalcon #goonies #indianajones #connect