Kurzer Hilferuf bzgl. #Surface-Pro-9 mit #Win11 und der #Concepts-App. Nach einem gefürchteten #Blackscreen gestern haben wir meinen User neu aufgesetzt. Dort wollte ich die App wieder installieren. Die Concepts Dateien sind gerettet (leider nicht die PNG Exporte). In meinem neuen Account kann ich die App nicht mehr installieren. Der Download geht, aber dann sagt das System der Download ist fehlerhaft. Hatte jemand schon solche Probleme mit Surface oder Concepts? Ich bin so dankbar für Input.
#surface #Win11 #Concepts #blackscreen
Well that was fun, got home early - *"Let's work on OS setup script! yeay me time!"*
Powers on laptop: black screen keyboard lights up, unresponsive..
Found youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OdcTkywg00
Here's the gist if you also are a Lenovo Yoga series owner (I got the "Yoga Slim 7 Pro 14ACH5")
Make sure no external power source is connected.
1. Open back of laptop and unplug the battery
2. Hold power button for 30+ seconds
3. Connect battery and power it on.
Fall asleep fast with our Black Screen Rain Sounds and Relaxing Piano for Anxiety, Insomnia & Meditation.
#blackscreen #rainsounds #relaxingpiano #anxiety #insomnia #meditation #whitenoise #soundsforsleeping #rainandpiano #deepsleep #deepsleepmusic
#blackscreen #rainsounds #relaxingpiano #anxiety #insomnia #meditation #whitenoise #soundsforsleeping #rainandpiano #deepsleep #deepsleepmusic
Black Screen
Blackscreen.tech Use a black screen to dim the second monitor without turning it off. Cleaning a monitor with a black screen. Utilize a black screen for games. To eliminate the chance of burns, plasma televisions should have a black screen.
Website: https://blackscreen.tech/
Phone : 0938 137 131
Introduce: https://blackscreen.tech/contact
Company : Cong Ty TNHH Thuong Mai Suc Khoe Sac Dep Ve Nu Zn
Tags : #Screen , #Background, #Blackscreen
Gmail : Blackscreenall@gmail.com
#background #blackscreen #screen
Hotline: 0938137131
Website : https://blackscreen.tech/
Location: 284 Cong Hoa, Phuong 13, Quan Tan Binh, Ho Chi Minh
Email: Blackscreenall@gmail.com
Post Code : 700000
Hastags, tag : #Screen , #Background, #Blackscreen
#background #blackscreen #screen
@Thinkingfish The downside of #YouTubeKids is that it does not allow putting videos into playlists. And the downside of videos that are not #blackscreen and 10 hours long is that I cannot use them for sleep. (-: I have a fair collection of 10 hour blackscreen videos, now. Some are rather repetitive, though.
Screen Colors
ScreenColors.net is an online screen capture software. White screen, Black screen, Blue screen, Green screen, Red screen, Yellow screen, Orange screen, Pink screen, Purple screen, Zoom Lighting
Website : https://screencolors.net/
Phone : 0938 137 131
Introduce: https://screencolors.net/contact
Company : Cong Ty TNHH Thuong Mai Suc Khoe Sac Dep Ve Nu Zn
Tags : #Screen , #Background, #Screencolor, #Whitescreen, #Blackscreen
#Screencolor #Whitescreen #background #blackscreen #screen
Hotline: 0938137131
Website : https://screencolors.net/
Địa chỉ: 284 Cong Hoa, Phuong 13, Quan Tan Binh, Ho Chi Minh
Email: Screencolors.net@gmail.com
Post Code : 700000
Hastags, tag : #Screen , #Background, #Screencolor, #Whitescreen, #Blackscreen
#blackscreen #Whitescreen #Screencolor #background #screen
Before I get totaly mad I'll do the only right thing push #askfedi for #help. Here's the problem:
Using #fedilab I constantly fail when trying to post pics. I can open PEN SYMBL, can tap on the ADD MEDIA symbol and choose media in file system. Then I get a few seconds of #blackscreen and get immediately thrown back to my timeline. Memory access is granted, using #fairphone #fp3
What can I do? Answers in German or English plz
#fp3 #fairphone #blackscreen #fedilab #help #askfedi
Poke 53280,0
Poke 53281,0
Apple Watch 6: Kostenlose Reparatur bei dauerhaft schwarzem Display https://www.computerbase.de/2022-04/apple-watch-6-kostenlose-reparatur-bei-dauerhaft-schwarzem-display/ #AppleWatch #BlackScreen #Apple
#applewatch #blackscreen #apple
Apple Watch 6: Kostenlose Reparatur bei dauerhaft schwarzem Display https://www.computerbase.de/2022-04/apple-watch-6-kostenlose-reparatur-bei-dauerhaft-schwarzem-display/ #AppleWatch #BlackScreen #Apple
#applewatch #blackscreen #apple