Here we are, in Bury St. Edmunds, in my county of origin - Suffolk in England, at The Nutshell Pub.
It's Britain's smallest, fitting only fifteen (15) patrons at any a time.
It was featured in my 2019 graphic novel, "The Burning Black: The Legend Of Black Shuck".
Much like in the book, it has the mummified cat hanging on the ceiling.
#Comics #ComicBooks #GraphicNovel #GraphicNovels #BuryStEdmunds #SuffolkEngland #SuffolkUK #BlackShuck #Folklore #TheBurningBlack #MarkAllardWill #Christmas
#christmas #MarkAllardWill #theburningblack #folklore #blackshuck #suffolkuk #suffolkengland #burystedmunds #graphicnovels #graphicnovel #comicbooks #comics
It's very, very misty this morning. And dark. #SpringHeeledJack or #BlackShuck weather, if I am not very much mistaken. #folklore #weather #uk #fog
#springheeledjack #blackshuck #folklore #weather #uk #fog
The "Hooter" is what "Black Shuck" was known as in my home county of Warwickshire. Fabian the celeb rated detective from Scotland Yard, whilst investigating the "Meon Hill Witchcraft Murder" was shunned after he enquired of the locals as to "Who owns the large black dog I keep seeing in the lanes around Meon Hill?" #FolkloreThursday #Folklore #BlackShuck #Paranormal
#paranormal #blackshuck #folklore #folklorethursday
Alex Ronald just posted one of his amazing #BlackShuck covers from over on his Instagram. Vikings vs were-beasts vs trolls.
Alex Ronald just posted one of his amazing #BlackShuck covers from over on his Instagram. Vikings vs were-beasts vs trolls.
I just -re-read #BlackShuck series one in the mini trade you get free with the next Judge Dredd Megazine, and I'm very, very pleased with it still.
If you like Vikings, Dragurs, Were-beasts, and characters saying things like "I am come to spill Troll blood" you'll like it
B is for Bloody Big #Viking were-beast action in the ABC: #BlackShuck
Before and I pitched our Viking, Troll, and were-beast series #BlackShuck to, we came up with an idea called Demonstar which was much more heavily based on #Beowulf
Still working on cryptids, this one is a Black Shuck, a ghostly, cyclopean dog of the British Isles said to herald bad luck.
It's been hard finding 25 different cryptids that aren't either just ripped from indigenous people's religions/folklore/stories and then wildly altered (I'm looking at you wendigo) OR just the same thing from a different region (the plethora of apeman style ones for instance)
#spooky #wip #blackshuck #cryptid #freelance