These people are part of the army big oil wields against anyone globally that opposes them. #BlackSnake needs to be seen and defeated.
50 years ago:
Black Snake (US)
A man searches for his brother on an island where a vicious woman keeps slaves on a plantation.
#BlackSnake #RussMeyer #AnouskaHempel #DavidWarbeck #PercyHerbert #ClassicFilm
#blacksnake #russmeyer #anouskahempel #davidwarbeck #percyherbert #classicfilm
#mmiw #cultdata #ICWA #winnipeg #blacksnake #mmiwg #orangeanimasriver #animasriver #navajo #navajonation #winnipeglandfill #mmiwg2s #winnipegpolice #dapl #neverfallmedia #nomorestolensisters #mmnawg #winnipegmurders
#mmiw #cultdata #ICWA #winnipeg #blacksnake #mmiwg #orangeanimasriver #animasriver #navajo #navajonation #neverfallmedia #winnipeglandfill #mmiwg2s #winnipegpolice #dapl #nomorestolensisters #mmnawg #winnipegmurders
#mmiw #ICWA #winnipeg #blacksnake #mmiwg #orangeanimasriver #animasriver #navajo #navajonation #neverfallmedia #winnipeglandfill #mmiwg2s #winnipegpolice #dapl #nomorestolensisters #mmnawg #winnipegmurders
Have been source indexing the crap out of my Native American lines with dawes roll cards to trail of tears check in points. Found all my sources and WikiTree says my 7th great grandfather is too old @wikitree 😆 whatttttt??? He literally lived to 122 yrs old lol, what can I do to add him?? #histodons #blacksnake #nativeamerican #chief #governor #history #warchief #seneca #familyhistory #familyhistorian #sourceindexing #wikitree
#histodons #blacksnake #nativeamerican #chief #governor #history #warchief #seneca #familyhistory #familyhistorian #sourceindexing #wikitree