Really neat #Mastodon instance named And you can support on #Patreon as well #BlackTwitter #BlackFedi #BlackTwitterIo
#mastodon #patreon #blacktwitter #blackfedi #blacktwitterio
Somebody has set up and I'm seriously worried.. Have they never heard of trademarks? Isn't Musk going to sue them? Are they looking forward to loosing expensive legal battles? Would it not be a great idea to change that name?
The biggest, scariest drawback of this anyone-can-run-instances thing is people doing things that have legal implications, perhaps unknowingly. Seriously worried about whoever runs that community.. :(
#BlackTwitterIo #BlackTwitter
Hey #BlackTwitter and #BlackTwitterIo who likes #Cycling esp. in Florida/US /Americas. Big up to #MajorTaylor and be safe, y'all.
#blacktwitter #blacktwitterio #Cycling #majortaylor