#AmReading #AusLit
Today's #BlakBooks is Country: Future Fire, Future Farming by Bill Gammage & Bruce Pascoe.
Uncle Bruce kindly signed it for me. And gave me a shout out on stage at Adelaide Writers Week 2022. Given I'd been heckled earlier that week whilst on stage, I needed that boost of Blak love.
"Jesus, (Chilean poet) what a day. Keep writing sis, because we don't know how long it will take. Eternity? I'm tired." Signed Bruce Pascoe, Adelaide 2022
#Aboriginal #Literature #IndigenousKnowledges #CaringForCountry
#blakbooks #aboriginal #literature #IndigenousKnowledges #caringforcountry #amreading #auslit
If you're thinking I spelt Black wrong in #BlakBooks - I didn't. In so-called Australia, Blak is used by many #FirstNations people to push back a race-based social position forced upon us by colonisers, and to instead assert #Indigeneity and #Sovereignty
Here is an explainer of why Destiny Deacon, a Erub/Mer (Torres Strait) and K'ua K'ua (Cape York) artist, coined the Blak term in 1994.
#blakbooks #firstnations #indigeneity #sovereignty
#AmReading @indigenousauthors
I started #BlakBooks to share books authored by #AboriginalAndTorresStraitIslanders
Fourth book I want to share is Home Coming by Elfie Shiosaki.
Elfie is a Noongar and Yawuru writer, editor and academic.
In this debut book, Elfie delved into the archives that government kept about her family, as well as her family's stories and correspondence. So this book shows personal impacts of governments' eugenic policies that were designed to fracture #FirstNations families and communities.
Using a verse style narrative, she rewrites false history to reclaim the story of her family. And by doing so, demonstrates the strengh of #StolenGenerations to survive attempted genocide.
Publisher is a First Nations owned press in Broome, Western Australia. #Magabala is the most remote publisher in Australia.
Edit: just after I posted, Elfie's books was announced as a short-listee in the Prime Minister's Literary Awards. Go sis!
#blakbooks #aboriginalandtorresstraitislanders #firstnations #stolengenerations #magabala #amreading
@indigenousauthors #BlakBooks number 3 - children's nonfiction
Heroes, Rebels and Innovators: Inspiring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People from History, illustrated by Jaelyn Bumaiwai and written by me.
I liked how the publisher didn't disagree with my approach. For example, instead of using words like "Australian" I wrote coloniser and invader. And occasionally settler.
#blakbooks #truthtelling #heroesrebelsandinnovators
@indigenousauthors #BlakBooks recommendation number two - nonfiction
Another Day in the Colony by Chelsea Watego.
Dr Chelsea Watego's collection of essays examines racism and how it specifically impacts First Nations people in so-called Australa. She also shares personal experiences to emphasise her points.
@indigenousauthors #BlakBooks recommendation number one - fiction
This All Come Back Now: an Anthology of First Nations Speculative fiction, edited by Mykaela Saunders.
Short stories by Aboringal and Torres Strait Islander writers. I have a story in here.
#introduction post.
Hi, I'm tooting from South Australia.
I'm a Martu descendant (Peoples of the Pilbara region, WA). I post about #FirstNationsRights #LandBack #StolenGenerations #BlakBooks #TruthTelling #IndigenousJustice
And support other #Indigenous #FirstNations #FirstPeoples from around the globe.
About me: I'm an author who supplements my income with freelance work.
What I like: writing, sharing good books, mangoes, Summer, walking with my dog (and sometimes cats).
What I dislike: racists, white supremacists, TERFs, and all varieties of bigots. Also dislike the tone-police, pearl-clutchers, gatekeepers, and racist apologists. Broccoli is ok, though, especially with cheese sauce.
Edit: I am finding it hard to keep up with follow notifications. But I won't follow-back people who have auspol in their bio, or any words I view as red flags
#introduction #firstnationsrights #Landback #stolengenerations #blakbooks #truthtelling #indigenousjustice #indigenous #firstnations #firstpeoples