The greatest pairing from Voltron is Matthew Holt and Coran. #Voltron #VLD #MatthewHolt #BlakeAnderson #Coran #RhysDarby
#voltron #vld #matthewholt #blakeanderson #coran #rhysdarby
We just need Bill Butler and Mike Bean from Parks and Recreation to kiss. #ParksandRecreation #ParksandRec #BillButler #MikeOMalley #MikeBean #BlakeAnderson
#parksandrecreation #parksandrec #billbutler #mikeomalley #mikebean #blakeanderson
Using force against anyone else is justifiable self defense, but against the state's violent army of thugs, it's "resisting arrest" or "assault" and will continue to further violence toward your person.
#acab #AbolishThePolice #PoliceBrutality #blakeanderson
RT @cerisecastle
This is Blake Anderson. He’s a security guard at the Good Batch Lounge. Early Sunday morning, deputy Rodriguez and his partner pulled up and began beating Bl…
#acab #abolishthepolice #policebrutality #blakeanderson