@elCelio I think we agree on the starting point of common defense, leadership=democratisation (who funds it/who controls it).
It's just that nothing I've seen so far from our national governments in their positioning v. EU institutions (the Council's lack of transparency is not an accident, it greases the wheels of #BlameBrussels ) makes me believe even a narrow majority are capable of giving up even that sliver of visibility (unless badly beaten into it by Events).
@goleztrol @EU_Commission no worries, I had no idea how EU sausage was made until fairly recently, had to learn the hard way. It doesn't help that, imo, most of our governments hide their role as co-legislator in the EU (where our Ministers effectively become Senators) so they can #BlameBrussels Works for them as we then ask the Commission to do stuff it can't do without their approval and are disappointed in the EU when it's our governments that block reform (like in this case).
While the FT piece makes good points about the dishonesty behind the accusation, it also targets an audience that actually knows what the #Council of the #EU is (half of his readers might even be able to tell it apart from the European Council!) This is uh--not the norm among voters and the Council's lack of transparency means they never have to take direct responsibility for anything. #BlameBrussels
*A* deficit exists, but not one nationalists would ever acknowledge.
#Council #eu #blamebrussels #EuropeanUnion #eupol
@chris The President of the European Commission is Ursula von der Leyen. Spain holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, the institution through which national governments have ultimate power in the EU (and which they'd like to keep a low profile on so they can #BlameBrussels ...)
You know you're a true European voter when you mix-up the EU institutions (as even journalists and politicians themselves do). Just 🇪🇺 things.😄
@kravietz True, but it's no accident. The current statu quo is extremely convenient for the #BlameBrussels national governments, so it doesn't even take a captured state media like in Poland or an oligarchic private media like in the UK to make sure the Council remains a mystery. Politicians drive the conversation in each country, if they wanted to, they could clear this up. Even those who do, like Pedro Sánchez, have lower ranked officials who Blame Brussels for unpopular decisions.
Como recordatorio, la organización de #Greta se mantuvo callada antes los debates sobre el #FondodeRecuperación de la #UE, a pesar de que el Primer Ministro de #Suecia era uno de los #frugales que exigían recortes, incluso del #GreenDeal. Publicaron una airada declaración a la mañana siguiente de la famosa cumbre en la que culpaban a la UE, no a #Löfven ni a ninguno de los frugales.🤷♀️
#BlameBrussels #Europa #Europe #europolitics #EuropeanParliament #ManfredWeber #milquetoastilliberal
#greta #fondoderecuperacion #ue #suecia #frugales #GreenDeal #lofven #blamebrussels #Europa #europe #europolitics #europeanparliament #ManfredWeber #milquetoastilliberal