There have been at least 192 mass shootings so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive.
#banassualtweapons #blamethegunnuts #blamethegop #nevervoterepublican #voteblueexceptrfk #votebluetoendthisnightmare #VoteBlue #VoteOutTheGOP
Now you will get shot and killed for doing yard work. Granted I hate leaf blowers too and they should be banned imo but they don't kill.
79-year-old man charged with 'senselessly' murdering his neighbor who was doing yard work near Antioch
>Police say a 79-year-old man has been charged with murder for allegedly fatally shooting his neighbor, who was performing yard work, in the head near Antioch.
#blamethegop #blamefoxnews #blamegunnuts #blamethenra #guncontrolnow
@GOP wins the house and now no one can afford eggs. #BlameTheGop #GOPInflation #ElectDemocrats
#blamethegop #gopinflation #electdemocrats
Democrats blamed GOP's 'anti-LGBTQ' rhetoric for Colorado Springs shooting but suspect is 'nonbinary'
#blamethegop #lgbtqrights #coloradosprings
#blamethegop #lgbtqrights #coloradosprings