"They Cloned Tyrone" on Netflix is sooooo much better than it needed to be. Juel Taylor used #blaxploitation tropes perfectly and hilariously and depressingly to launch an immanent critique of #BigTech and #SurveillanceCapitalism and #MassMedia #minstrelsy from an African American epistemology. So many bits and pieces of urban folklore and deep cultural references and so much heart and mind.
#blaxploitation #bigtech #surveillancecapitalism #massmedia #minstrelsy
Added yesterday - comprehensive character profile for badass bounty huntress Hope Walker.
From the (deep breath) neo-noir ultraviolent modern #blaxploitation moody-art thriller graphic novel (pfew) by Victor Santos, Against Hope.
#blaxploitation #ttrpg #Comics #darkhorse
On August 31, 1977, Black Fist debuted in San Francisco. Here’s some Richard Lawson fan art!
#BlackFist #BlackFist1975 #TimothyGalfas #RichardLawson #Blaxploitation #KungFu #KungFuMovies #BlaxploitationMovies #TrashArt #ActionMovies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#blackfist #blackfist1975 #timothygalfas #richardlawson #blaxploitation #kungfu #kungfumovies #blaxploitationmovies #trashart #actionmovies #art #movieart #moviehistory
#TIL I learned that a song recorded for the soundtrack of this bizarro movie had one of the main breaks used by DJ Kool Herc for his 'Merry Go Round' technique. So this crazy-ass #movie played a part in the birth of #HipHop.
Have you seen this, or even heard of it? I saw it once when I was like 7. The premise: "Doctors are forced to transplant the head of a dying, racist surgeon onto the body of a black death row inmate."
Someone prolly got really drunk and came up with the #WhatIf scenario: What if a racist ass MF got stuck with the body of a black man? And to make it more interesting, he can't hide inside the body AND the black dude is there too.
The social commentary went over my head. I'd watch anything that was remotely #ScienceFiction or just plain weird - and there's not much weirder than this. It looked soooo fake. And since I LOVED #70s #Bollywood, I was fine with #movies that had logical & other inconsistencies.
If you want to know more about the song, check out out the #video where I learned this #FunFact: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBYiWbfv_Dw
#Music #Breakbeats #BadMovies #Blaxploitation
#til #movie #hiphop #whatif #sciencefiction #70s #bollywood #movies #video #funfact #music #breakbeats #badmovies #blaxploitation
On August 15, 2009, Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song was screened at the Fresh Film Festival. Here’s some pop art inspired by the film’s VHS box!
#SweetSweetbacksBaadasssssSong #MelvinVanPeebles #Blaxploitation #ActionFilm #ActionThriller #70sCinema #IndieFilm #CultFilm #BlackCinema #Art #CMYK #VHS #MovieHistory
#sweetsweetbacksbaadassssssong #melvinvanpeebles #blaxploitation #actionfilm #actionthriller #70scinema #indiefilm #cultfilm #blackcinema #art #cmyk #vhs #moviehistory
On August 14, 1974, Black Samson debuted in the United States. Here’s some new Rockne Tarkington art to celebrate!
#BlackSamson #Blaxploitation #CultMovies #1970s #TCMUnderground #ActionMovies #GrindhouseMovies #Movies #MovieArt #Art #Drawing #NewArt
#blacksamson #blaxploitation #cultmovies #1970s #tcmunderground #actionmovies #grindhousemovies #movies #movieart #art #drawing #newart
On July 9, 2010, blaxploitation and cult film icon Vonetta McGee died in Berkley, California.
R.I.P. (1945 - 2010)
#RestInPeace #VonettaMcGee #Brothers #ThomasineAndBushrod #ShaftInAfrica #Melinda #Blacula #Blaxploitation #FilmMastodon #Actresses #Art #FanArt #RIP
#restinpeace #vonettamcgee #brothers #thomasineandbushrod #shaftinafrica #melinda #blacula #blaxploitation #FilmMastodon #actresses #art #FanArt #rip
On July 7, 2015, Truck Turner was released on Blu-ray in the United States. Here’s some fan art!
#TruckTurner #JonathanKaplan #IsaacHayes #Blaxploitation #BlaxploitationMovies #AmericanInternationalPictures #TCMUnderground #ActionMovies #NeoNoir #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#truckturner #jonathankaplan #isaachayes #blaxploitation #blaxploitationmovies #americaninternationalpictures #tcmunderground #actionmovies #neonoir #art #movieart #moviehistory
On July 6, 2018, Brothers and I'm Gonna Git You Sucka were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground. Here's some art inspired by both features!
#TCMUnderground #TCMParty #SaveTCM #Brothers #ImGonnaGitYouSucka #BernieCasey #VonettaMcGee #Blaxploitation #ParodyFilm #SocialRealistFilm #MidnightMovies #CultMovies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#tcmunderground #TCMParty #savetcm #brothers #imgonnagityousucka #berniecasey #vonettamcgee #blaxploitation #parodyfilm #socialrealistfilm #midnightmovies #cultmovies #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 28, 1973, Black Gunn debuted in France. Here’s some Jim Brown fan art to celebrate!
#BlackGunn #RobertHartfordDavis #JimBrown #Blaxploitation #NeoNoir #CrimeThriller #HeistFilm #TCMUnderground #CultFilm #CultMovies #Art #Portrait MovieArt #MovieHistory
#blackgunn #roberthartforddavis #jimbrown #blaxploitation #neonoir #crimethriller #heistfilm #tcmunderground #cultfilm #cultmovies #art #portrait #moviehistory
On June 22, 1974, Black Belt Jones debuted in Japan. Here's some Jim Kelly art!
#BlackBeltJones #ActionMovies #JimKelly #Blaxploitation #CultMovies #1970s #Art #Drawing
#blackbeltjones #actionmovies #jimkelly #blaxploitation #cultmovies #1970s #art #drawing
On June 12, 1998, Jackie Brown debuted in Estonia and Greece. Marking the occasion with some original Pam Grier art!
#JackieBrown #QuentinTarantino #PamGrier #90sMovies #Blaxploitation #CrimeFilm #ActionMovie #IndieFilm #CultMovie #HeistFilm #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#jackiebrown #QuentinTarantino #pamgrier #90smovies #blaxploitation #crimefilm #actionmovie #indiefilm #cultmovie #heistfilm #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
Remembering blaxploitation cinema and cult film icon Bernie Casey on the anniversary of his date of birth. (1939 - 2017) Here's some original art inspired by The Hitman, Gargoyles, and I'm Gonna Git You Sucka to celebrate!
#CelebrityBirthdays #BernieCasey #TheHitMan #Gargoyles #ImGonnaGitYouSucka #ActionMovies #NeoNoir #Blaxploitation #CultCinema #FilmMastodon #CineMastodon #ArtistsOnMastodon #Horror
#celebritybirthdays #berniecasey #thehitman #gargoyles #imgonnagityousucka #actionmovies #neonoir #blaxploitation #cultcinema #FilmMastodon #cinemastodon #artistsonmastodon #horror
📖 The Liberators – Rags To Riches
📨 The Liberators was a band of some of Sydney's best musicians playing Afrobeat / AfroFunk Jazz music.
Rags to Riches
For a track from their 1st (eponymous) album, released in 2011, the accompanying music v
#️⃣ #Music #Afrobeat #Australia #Blaxploitation #Funk #Jazz #NSFW
#music #afrobeat #australia #blaxploitation #funk #jazz #nsfw
Scream, Blacula, Scream! Jamil Mustafa's "The Blaxploitation Horror Film: Adaptation, Appropriation and the Gothic" is getting an early Kindle release today. From University of Wales Press/University of Chicago Press. #blaxploitation #horror #horrormovies #horrorfilms #horroracademia
#horroracademia #horrorfilms #HorrorMovies #horror #blaxploitation
On June 5, 2009, Black Dynamite was screened at the Seattle International Film Festival. Celebrating with some original Michael Jai White art!
#BlackDynamite #ScottSanders #MichaelJaiWhite #FilmPastiche #ActionComedy #IndependentFIlm #Blaxploitation #ComedyMovies #ActionMovies #ParodyFilm #Satire #BlackCinema #Art #MovieHistory
#blackdynamite #scottsanders #michaeljaiwhite #filmpastiche #actioncomedy #independentfilm #blaxploitation #comedymovies #actionmovies #parodyfilm #Satire #blackcinema #art #moviehistory
On June 3, 2017, Cleopatra Jones and The Muthers were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground. Here's some fan art inspired by both features!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #CleopatraJones #TheMuthers #TamaraDobson #JayneKennedy #Blaxploitation #ActionMovies #ActionThriller #Grindhouse #Art #FanArt #DoubleFeature
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #cleopatrajones #themuthers #tamaradobson #jaynekennedy #blaxploitation #actionmovies #actionthriller #grindhouse #art #FanArt #doublefeature
If you want to see what it was like being in an Acid-Jazz and blaxploitation band in Sydney, circa 1998.
Please see the attached pics and make sure you have a listen to The Modernists' first demo on YouTube at the 'Cheese & Crackers Music Fulfilment Centre'
Macho Swine - The Modernists (1998)
#originalmusic #90s #acidjazz #blaxploitation #funk #soul #themodernists #modernists
Happy birthday, grindhouse cinema icon and Queen of the B Movies, Pam Grier! Here's some art inspired by Coffy, Scream Blacula Scream, and Friday Foster to celebrate!
#HappyBirthday #PamGrier #Coffy #ScreamBlaculaWcream #FridayFoster #FoxyBrown #Blaxploitation #GrindhouseFilm #ExploitationFilm #1970s #FanArt #Art #MovieArt #Birthday
#happybirthday #pamgrier #coffy #screamblaculawcream #fridayfoster #foxybrown #blaxploitation #grindhousefilm #exploitationfilm #1970s #FanArt #art #movieart #birthday
Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song (1971)
Un film guérilla et une œuvre avant-gardiste, qui signe les prémices de la Blaxploitation.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/sweet_sweetback_s_baadasssss_song/critique/14409267
#SweetSweetbacksBaadasssssSong #MelvinVanPeebles #VanPeebles #Blaxploitation #SweetSweetback
#sweetsweetbacksbaadassssssong #melvinvanpeebles #vanpeebles #blaxploitation #sweetsweetback