Dee O'D · @deestar
23 followers · 3 posts · Server

In a lot of years of going to the theatre I can honestly say this is the first time the theatre has sprung a leak. And I was really enjoying 's .

#maevemarsden #blessedunion #notallstagecrewwearcapes

Last updated 2 years ago

Jesse Adams Stein · @jesseadamsstein
165 followers · 68 posts · Server

people - if you can, please go see Maeve Marsden’s play Blessed Union at the ! It is funny, astute, nuanced, moving, and so well written. It says something at once very particular about growing up in a lesbian family (and what happens when that context falls apart), but also something much more general about the institution of marriage and about families, and the contradictions of lefty white middle class Australia. It pokes fun gently, it does not deride or reduce complexities. It even has labour law and union jokes which were very particular, but oh how I laughed.

#sydney #belvoir #blessedunion

Last updated 2 years ago