Kotaku: Popular Former Fortnite Pro Tfue Retires From Twitch At 25 https://kotaku.com/twitch-streamer-tfue-fortnite-faze-clan-retirement-1850557985 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamelivestreaming #internetbroadcasting #twitchstreamers #turnsevenuglier #digitalmedia #windowsgames #videogaming #fortnite #fazeclan #twitchtv #blevins #esports #ninja #hasan #tfue #faze
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamelivestreaming #internetbroadcasting #twitchstreamers #turnsevenuglier #DigitalMedia #windowsgames #videogaming #fortnite #fazeclan #twitchtv #blevins #esports #ninja #hasan #tfue #faze
Kotaku: Former Twitch King Ninja On Mixer’s Failure (And Kick’s Potential) https://kotaku.com/fortnite-twitch-streamer-ninja-mixer-kick-livestream-1850308411 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamelivestreaming #internetbroadcasting #twitchstreamers #hikarunakamura #livestreaming #windowsgames #thesuperbowl #broadcasting #digitalmedia #corinnakopf #twitchtv #adinross #internet #jonathan #fortnite #blevins #jessica #ninja #mixer #kick
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamelivestreaming #internetbroadcasting #twitchstreamers #hikarunakamura #livestreaming #windowsgames #thesuperbowl #broadcasting #DigitalMedia #corinnakopf #twitchtv #adinross #internet #jonathan #fortnite #blevins #jessica #ninja #mixer #kick
I thought I recognized the name. As a lifelong #comiccollector the name #Blevins stood out. I had to go back and look.
I guess I was thinking of #BrettBlevins.
I suppose you get that alot.
#comiccollector #blevins #brettblevins
@Sarahp for those who can't open the WSJ version, this loaded for me without a paywall but was pretty short: https://www.businessinsider.com/apple-exec-tony-blevins-departs-following-tiktok-video-2022-9
Some additional commentary from that other social media site: https://twitter.com/reedalbergotti/status/1575564998729867265
#Blevins #Apple #socialMedia #whiteMenMakingBadJokes
#whitemenmakingbadjokes #SocialMedia #Apple #blevins