Guess I better introduce myself on this side too!

G’day, I’m Riptide and I REALLY like inflation (as you can probably tell)

Hope you enjoy having me around, if there’s enough space πŸ‘€πŸŽˆ

(Art by geodergart2001 on FA and TheRedFoxxo, Hypperone and RataWaton on twitter respectively)

#inflation #blimp #blimpstodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Kay Ohtie 🎈🌡🐺 · @KayOhtie
1315 followers · 1371 posts · Server

Howdy blimps, new and existing!

With custom emoji on here, you're not limited to just what's already here! If you've got Twitch emotes or other ones you'd like to be able to use in your toots, feel free to ping me!

Just pack a zip file with all of the emotes you want named how you want them to appear (with or without prefix, but please be consistent) and I'll get them imported under a category header in the emoji picker. :kay_happy:


Last updated 1 year ago

Kay Ohtie 🎈🌡🐺 · @KayOhtie
1208 followers · 175 posts · Server

Was just reminded: I try to make an active effort on Blimps to maintain the trends section, so popular tags or posts or such can show up there. I don't have auto-approval on, since sometimes stuff queues due to usage that folks don't want to see - not necessarily bad, but distressing stuff too.

So if you like, check out that section in the site or app sometimes. Hopefully can find fun stuff too!


Last updated 1 year ago