🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #Early
Blind Blake:
🎵 He's In The Jailhouse Now
#nowplaying #early #blindblake
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #DebGrant
Blind Blake:
🎵 Diddie Wa Diddie
#nowplaying #bbc6music #debgrant #blindblake
Still down South (where that guy headed to hide out) –
Blind Blake, "Police Dog Blues" (1929)
"She got a police dog cravin' for a fight …"
But listen to that picking!
#JukeboxFridayNight #songsaboutthelaw #blindblake #blues
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #CerysMatthews
Blind Blake & The Royal Victoria Hotel Calypso Orchestra:
🎵 Foolish Frog
#nowplaying #bbc6music #CerysMatthews #blindblake #theroyalvictoriahotelcalypsoorchestra
Since I'm new to Mastodon, I suppose an #introduction is in order. My interests:
#Virginia #history #VirginiaHistory #genealogy
#SilentFilm #SilentMovies #BusterKeaton #CharlieChaplin #HaroldLloyd #ClaraBow #FWMurnau #KingVidor
#BluesMusic #AlbertCollins #FreddieKing #BBKing #SkipJames #BlindBlake #GibsonGuitars #GibsonES-335 #Dobro #VanMorrison #TTB
#sports #baseball #RedSox #Cubs #EKUfootball #EKUbasketball #UVaMensHoops #UVaFootball #NASCAR
#introduction #virginia #history #virginiahistory #genealogy #silentfilm #silentmovies #busterkeaton #CharlieChaplin #haroldlloyd #clarabow #fwmurnau #kingvidor #bluesmusic #albertcollins #FreddieKing #bbking #skipjames #blindblake #gibsonguitars #gibsones #dobro #vanmorrison #ttb #sports #baseball #redsox #Cubs #ekufootball #ekubasketball #uvamenshoops #uvafootball #nascar #scotch #ardbeg #Laphroaig #lagavulin #jura