Anyone? #collie #colliesofmastodon #blinddog
#blinddog #colliesofmastodon #collie
Anyone? #collie #colliesofmastodon #blinddog
#blinddog #colliesofmastodon #collie
Blind dog's confused snap
Biting the hand that feeds her -
Sore blue thumb sticks out.
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #DogsofMastodon #Dog #BlindDog #SoreThumb #Idioms
#idioms #sorethumb #blinddog #Dog #dogsofmastodon #onehaikuaday #Haiku
Even though this might be her last year alive, she loves the sweet smell of stinky grass. :D
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #poodles #blinddog
Put your burdens aside today, live in the moment.
-Olive Grey
📷 Fujifilm X-Pro 3
👁️ Fujinon XF 56 f1.2
#fotomontag #olivegrey #blinddog #dog
Anyone have a blind or mostly-blind dog? 🐶Our 8-year old dog went blind within the last two weeks. Vet says SARDS or Cushing’s is likely. We will be taking her for testing soon. 🦮
I would love to find some solid information on how we could make this transition easier for her. She is understandably a bit depressed, and it is breaking my heart. 🙁
#blinddog #doghelp #sards #cushings
Happy #Mondog from Tegan! When you're almost 13, blind, and your hips are starting to go, you get a double-decker dog bed next to Dad's reading chair.
#Mondog #DogsOfMastodon #Heelers #AustralianCattleDog #BlindDog #BlindDogsAreAwesome
#BlindDogsAreAwesome #blinddog #australiancattledog #Heelers #dogsofmastodon #mondog
"I guess I don't know what you mean when you say I 'spoil' Tegan?"
#DogsOfMastodon #RedHeeler #AustralianCattleDog #blinddog #BlindDogsAreAwesome
#BlindDogsAreAwesome #blinddog #australiancattledog #redheeler #dogsofmastodon
"I guess I don't know what you mean when you say I 'spoil' Tegan?"
#DogsOfMastodon #RedHeeler #AustralianCattleDog #blinddog #BlindDogsAreAwesome
#BlindDogsAreAwesome #blinddog #australiancattledog #redheeler #dogsofmastodon