Ich hab den #bloater mit Pfeil und Bogen erledigt #thelastofus #thelastofuspart1
#thelastofuspart1 #thelastofus #bloater
Der #bloater ist Geschichte !
#thelastofus #thelastofuspart1
#thelastofuspart1 #thelastofus #bloater
Boah wie kriege ich den #bloater gekillt?
Schau mal dieses Video „Let's "The last of Us - Part 1" - German - Part 4 - First time play - Autoteile für Bill besorgen“
Variety talks with Barrie Gower, prosthetics designer on The Last of Us, about creating the massive "bloater" for its live-action debut. The bulky practical suit weighed over 40 kg and had to be covered in a glossy lubricant to help it stand out during the nighttime scene.
#TheLastOfUs #TLOU #Bloater #Infected #Fungus #Fungi #HBO #HBOMax #TV #SpecialEffects #SFX #PracticalEffects #Prosthetics #Costume #Variety #JordanMoreau
#thelastofus #tlou #bloater #Infected #fungus #fungi #hbo #hbomax #tv #specialeffects #sfx #practicaleffects #prosthetics #costume #variety #jordanmoreau
Kotaku: What Was That Giant Infected In The Last Of Us Episode 5? https://kotaku.com/hbo-last-of-us-bloater-infected-kills-perry-explained-1850089658 #gaming #tech #kotaku #horrorvideogames #foodpreservation #thelastofus #videogaming #videogames #smokedfish #cordyceps #shamblers #left4dead #oilyfish #bloater #games #ellie #perry #tess #joel #hbo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #horrorvideogames #foodpreservation #thelastofus #videogaming #videogames #smokedfish #cordyceps #shamblers #left4dead #oilyfish #bloater #games #ellie #perry #tess #joel #hbo
The truly wonderful #Bloater by the truly wonderous #RosemaryTonks is an absolute delight. I consumed it in one sitting and wish I had been more rationed in my joy.
"You can always tell the Wagnerians, even on a Verdi evening; both men and women seem to be plastered with blur eyeshadow; they swarm through the porticos with mad eyes, they've lived longer, have more terrible opinions, and are definitely uglier than all the rest pit together"