Never mind the issue of default browser or not, some people just need to be allowed to uninstall Edge #bloatware
@EU_Commission Being able to remove #bloatware from #android phone sounds like a dream to me.
I don't belive it is going to happen. It will ends up like ok you removed photo app - now half of system wil complain about it đ
@meeper @mikoto it is intentional - Just as #PlannedObsolescence aka. #ReducedLifecycle of #Android Devices - espechally #Smartphones and #Tablets.
#Google has vested interests in creating #Bloatware to sell new #Tech...
Just as #Microsoft has vested interest in using #CensorBoot and forcing everyone into shitty #SaaS "#Cloud" #Subscriptions...
#subscriptions #Cloud #saas #CensorBoot #Microsoft #Tech #bloatware #Google #tablets #Smartphones #Android #reducedlifecycle #plannedobsolescence
If I had to use an #exploit to *checks notes* set up my #OS without #bloatware like *double checks notes* Candy Crush, I'd probably rather question my choice of an OS than celebrating said exploit.
#exploit #os #bloatware #windows11 #windows
@gourdcaptain Yeah, #Google doesn't give any f**ks whatsoever.
Personally, I'll stick with my @Fairphone #FP3plus which I freed of all the Google-#Bloatware...
@Beiz @SnugAsABugInARug @arzi @ramonita @EU_Commission @bsi @noybeu @torvalds
Spoiler: Such #drivers are #Windows-exclusive and would never be allowed into the #Linux Kernel for all the right reasons!
Same with the #Enshittification and #Bloatware that #nvidia and #AMD are shipping on Windows...
#AMD #Nvidia #bloatware #enshittification #Linux #Windows #drivers
@irenes AFAICT this only applies to #Windows #drivers as implementing this in the #Kernel would be #Malware.
Not that I excuse any #Enshittification - espechally this kind where it has 0 merit or rationale...
It's not as if #Intel's #GPU can make YouTube load faster or run smoother - which is the excuse #Nvidia and #AMD pull on their #Bloatware #Drivers on Windows, which gladly don't exist in that capacity on Linux!
#bloatware #AMD #Nvidia #gpu #Intel #enshittification #Malware #Kernel #drivers #Windows
The Fediverse needs to be Platform/OS agnostic It would be useless to lock it to one or require it to include every platform/OS version API
#nonopen #bloatware #openstandards #crossplatform
I haven't personally experienced #Linux #bloatware, but this guy makes me think it's a possibility.
#lifehack Tudo o que Ă© bom tende a acabar depressa...
#Linux #bloatware #Windows #Microsoft #Lifehack
:press: Come installare Windows 11 senza bloatware
#windows11 #tricks #bloatware #pc #software #os #news #tecnologia
#Windows11 #tricks #bloatware #pc #software #os #news #tecnologia
@mjausson @ct_bergstrom @joplinapp
I wish I could find a straightforward #selfhost alternative that didn't require 30 wodges of #Docker #bloatware and more free time than it takes to earn a doctorate from Carnegie-Mellon.
I'm using #TiddlyWiki with #WebDAV, plus the venerable old #Webnote for lightweight things, and I'm probably going to have to settle for that because I agreed to cook dinner at least four nights a week.
#docker #webdav #Webnote #selfhost #bloatware #tiddlywiki
Työpuhelinta asennellessa minulle selvisi, ettÀ Disney+ on sen toiminnan kannalta vÀlttÀmÀtön sovellus.
Hermoso, lo guardo como marcador pĂșblico, porque todavĂa algunitos fabricantes se la dan por instalar #bloatware en #Android
@AwesumIndustrys guess what? #Proton [ #DXVK + #Wine ] basically fixed it!
Now #LinuxGaming is better than #Windows because there isn't the #Bloatware from #Microsoft under the hood...
#Microsoft #bloatware #Windows #LinuxGaming #Wine #dxvk #proton
@viel_zu_negativ ja, und #Wine hat das ganze inzwischen massivst verbessert.
Die einzigen Probleme gibt's mit Schrottware von z.B. Microsoft die bewusst darauf engineered wird damit diese nicht unter Wine lÀuft.
Und ja, die #Enshittification von #Windows ist real, sei's #Bloatware, #Adware, #Datenhehlerei oder #CensorBoot...
#AllGAFAMsAreEvil und das einzige was hilft ist Hersteller von Hard- und Software per Kauf (verweigerung) dazu zu zwingen, es zu unterstĂŒtzen...
#allgafamsareevil #CensorBoot #Datenhehlerei #adware #bloatware #Windows #enshittification #Wine
So Firefox suddenly decided to activate a google voice assistant thing for web search. You would think that these tools would get the hint when the first words they hear on activation are "fuck off". But they never do, so you have to spend minutes looking for the obscure option in settings to switch off the thing you never wanted (and previously never had). Isn't the 21st century so great. "smart" phone my arse.
#google #bloatware #GiveMeBackMyPhoneYouBastards
#google #bloatware #givemebackmyphoneyoubastards
@rizele yeah, that's why I don't use #Murena and/or #eOS at all.
Jist a stock @Fairphone #FP3plus with all the #Google-#Bloatware yeeted out!
#bloatware #Google #FP3Plus #eos #Murena
@TheDoctor512 @Jain auch nicht die automagisch herunterladende #Bloatware alla#PayToLoose-Spiele wie #CandyCrush?
Weil das hat #Windows10 z.T. getan - selbst in der #Pro-Version - wenn Mensch nicht mit irgendwelchen Dritthersteller-Tools.nach jedem Update die halbe Registry modifizierte
#Pro #windows10 #candycrush #bloatware
Al final no compre ningĂșn otro telĂ©fono, mi esposa me dio un Samsung que le regale hace como dos años, aun funciona bien, usando #aurorastore #neostore y eliminando #bloatware y algunos componentes de google que no son necesarios y otros que si, pero no afecta la usabilidad del telĂ©fono, buena tarde a todos
#aurorastore #NeoStore #bloatware