Nearly 80,000 Dormant Ether ICO Tokens Awaken in 2023, Including 61,216 ETH Transfer to Kraken - Based on onchain metrics, a dormant wallet containing 61,216 ether acquired during... - #initialcoinoffering #blockchainparser #ethereumaddress #marketobservers #cryptocurrency #onchainmetrics #exchangerates #dormantether #lookonchain #whalealert #awakening #icotokens #transfer
#transfer #icotokens #awakening #whalealert #lookonchain #dormantether #exchangerates #onchainmetrics #cryptocurrency #marketobservers #ethereumaddress #blockchainparser #initialcoinoffering
50 Dormant Bitcoins Worth $1.25 Million Wake Up After 12-Year Slumber - A dormant Bitcoin address holding 50 Bitcoin, valued at approximately $1.25 millio... - #wealthaccumulation #blockchainparser #marketvolatility #sleepingbitcoins #2010blockreward #cryptocurrency #dormantaddress #blockrewards #bitcoincash #btcbalance #transfers #bitcoin #privacy #news
#news #privacy #bitcoin #transfers #btcbalance #bitcoincash #blockrewards #dormantaddress #cryptocurrency #2010blockreward #sleepingbitcoins #marketvolatility #blockchainparser #wealthaccumulation
Addresses That Sat Idle for Years Transferred 1,221 Bitcoins Worth $20M Over the Last 4 Days - During the last seven days, bitcoin’s price has remained above the $16K region fol... - #600sleepingbitcoins #blockchainparser #dormantaddresses #sleepingbitcoins #onchainfindings #idleaddresses #bitcoin(btc) #$20million #1221.45btc #ancientbtc #blockchain
#blockchain #ancientbtc #bitcoin #idleaddresses #btcparser #onchainfindings #sleepingbitcoins #dormantaddresses #blockchainparser #600sleepingbitcoins
Spending $276M in Ether — Colossal Ethereum Whale That Participated in the Genesis ICO Transfers 145,000 ETH
#Genesisinitialcoinoffering(ICO) #'sleepingcryptocurrencies' #cantoutilitytoken(CANTO) #EthereumGenesisICO #blockchainparser #5000ETHin2019 #Ethereum(ETH) #ethereumwhale #OmiseGo(OMG) #$1.1million #$276million #CANTOtoken #etherwhale
#Genesisinitialcoinoffering #cantoutilitytoken #EthereumGenesisICO #blockchainparser #5000ETHin2019 #Btcparser #ethereum #EthereumWhale #OmiseGO #CANTOtoken #etherwhale