Week ahead. Drier but CHILLY . . . Average highs of 7/9c degrees but if you get trapped in that “low cloud” from Tuesday onwards it’ll FEEL a lot COLDER 🥶
#WeekAhead #Cold #Foggy #Dry #Chilly #Grey #Dank #LowCloud #BlockingHigh #Weather #WindyWilson
#windywilson #weather #blockinghigh #lowcloud #dank #grey #chilly #dry #foggy #cold #weekahead
Looking at the big picture below. Wednesday won't make it in due to the BLOCKING HIGH
Apart from Monday. This week will be chilly calm foggy grey and dank, for most, not all . . . A week of kinda nondescript weather with not a lot happening
#BlockingHigh #Cold #NaeBeast #Beast #Weather #WindyWilson #InWindyWeTrust #BeastFaeTheEast #TurningColder #WeekAhead
#weekahead #turningcolder #beastfaetheeast #inwindywetrust #windywilson #weather #beast #naebeast #cold #blockinghigh