Here’s the yacht that got pulled loose from those 60mph winds in the storm that just blew through Block Island. Several other boats also dragged and hit other boats.
[See red circle on map for Block Island location]
NWS Boston/Norton Skywarn
Thunderstorm wind damage in Block Island RI from earlier Saturday
[See red circle on map for Block Island location]
Block Island Southeast Light
Southeast lighthouse near Mohegan bluffs
Block Island Southeast Light
Find more details: https://waynemoranphotography.com/blog/lighthouses-new-england-massachusetts-rhode-island/
#Lighthouse #drone #BlockIsland #rhodeIsland #AYearForArt #BuyIntoArt
#lighthouse #drone #blockisland #rhodeisland #ayearforart #BuyIntoArt
More coastal flooding on #BlockIsland #TurnAroundDontDrown
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Eweather13/status/1606257214469160960?t=XfqZ--B0ON-XK8jtk6zS4Q&s=19
#blockisland #turnarounddontdrown
More coastal flooding on #BlockIsland #TurnAroundDontDrown
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Eweather13/status/1606257214469160960?t=XfqZ--B0ON-XK8jtk6zS4Q&s=19
#blockisland #turnarounddontdrown
Coastal flooding on #BlockIsland #TurnAroundDontDrown
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Eweather13/status/1606274506913247233?t=ik1jGgcqr_qtx641U3AaeQ&s=19
#blockisland #turnarounddontdrown
This morning on Block Island. #photography #blockisland #moon #clouds
#photography #blockisland #moon #clouds
This morning on Block Island. #photography #blockisland #moon #clouds
#photography #blockisland #moon #clouds
La révolution américaine des éoliennes en mer commence à Block Island | COP26 - Conférence de Glasgow sur les changements climatiques
La côte est américaine pourrait voir son paysage transformé avec la venue de milliers d'éoliennes en mer.
https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1834721/eoliennes-mer-rhode-island-block-diesel #BlockIsland #UrgenceClimatique #pollution #écologie #environnement #climat
#blockisland #urgenceclimatique #pollution #écologie #environnement #climat