Lightning Network Sees Sharp 14% Decline in Capacity After Hitting Peak - Data reveals that the Lightning Network’s capacity, or the total value of open cha... - #lightningnetworkcapacity #alternativenetworks #second-layerscaling #transactionchannels #lightningnetwork #capacitydecline #protocolshifts #wrappedbitcoin #alltimehigh #blockstream #valuelocked #wbtcgrowth #withdrawal #bitcoin
#bitcoin #withdrawal #wbtcgrowth #valuelocked #blockstream #alltimehigh #wrappedbitcoin #protocolshifts #capacitydecline #lightningnetwork #transactionchannels #second #alternativenetworks #lightningnetworkcapacity
Exklusive Einblicke: Blockstream lüftet Geheimnis um Bitcoin Miner #Blockstream #Lightning #Bitcoin #Miner
#blockstream #lightning #bitcoin #Miner
Blockstream Infrastructure Firm Foresees Rapid Growth in Bitcoin's Layer 2 Technologies - An engineer at the Bitcoin-focused development firm Blockstream has said she sees a “Camb... - #bitcoinnews #blockstream #bitcoin
#bitcoin #blockstream #bitcoinnews
Blockstream Developer Neigut Expects ‘Cambrian Explosion’ of Bitcoin Layer 2 Protocols - Bitcoin already has one of the most diverse layer 2 ecosystems of any network, according ... - #lightningnetwork #blockstream #technology #bitcoin #layer2 #news #tech
#tech #news #layer2 #bitcoin #technology #blockstream #lightningnetwork
Blockstream-CPO: "Bitcoin kann Leben verändern" #Blockstream #Bitcoin #Google
Bitcoin Transactions Without Internet? ZeroSync and Blockstream Make It Possible with Satellites in Space – Here's How - Bitcoin infrastructure firm Blockstream has partnered with ZeroSync Association, a non-pr... - #bitcoinnews #blockstream #adamback #bitcoin
#bitcoin #adamback #blockstream #bitcoinnews
ZeroSync and Blockstream to Broadcast Bitcoin Zero-Knowledge Proofs From Space - The two partners say using zero-knowledge proofs will allow Bitcoin nodes to sync quickly... - #zero-knowledgeproofs #bitcoinnodes #blockstream #technology #zk-starks #bitcoin #news
#news #bitcoin #zk #technology #blockstream #bitcoinnodes #zero
The more I research #LightningNetwork the more I can't believe this system got beyond the scribbling on a bar napkin stage. It really is even worse than #bitcoin's core network.
#ln #btc #fintech #blockchain #scams #fraud #finance #money #blockstream #l2
#lightningnetwork #bitcoin #ln #btc #fintech #blockchain #scams #fraud #finance #money #blockstream #l2
Adam Back, the CEO of #cryptocurrency company #Blockstream, predicts the price of #bitcoin (BTC) could reach 10 million USD by 2032 if the technology and infrastructure of the Bitcoin layer-2 wallet is improved quickly.
#cryptocurrency #blockstream #bitcoin
We were curious about a project called "#Fedi", or #FediMint that apparently does multiCustody #bitcoin in a "community context, with "privacy by default". Interoperable w #LightningNetwork.
Upon visiting site, we learned it's on #MSGitHub written in Golang, and gets "generous support and donations" from #Blockstream, #ObiNwosu, #Einundzwanzig HumanRightsFoundation (#HRF), #Ten31, #Spiral.
Really just putting this out there, for the record, please don't see this as an endorsement in any way.
#fedi #fediMint #bitcoin #lightningnetwork #MSGithub #blockstream #obinwosu #einundzwanzig #hrf #ten31 #spiral
Blockstream: 125 Millionen US-Dollar für Mining eingesammelt #Blockstream #Mining
Blockstream Secures $125 Million in Funding for Bitcoin Mining Operations - Digital asset infrastructure firm Blockstream has secured $125 million in funding aimed a... - #bitcoinmining #bitcoinnews #blockstream #mining
#mining #blockstream #bitcoinnews #bitcoinmining
Crypto Biz: Is Goldman Sachs the ultimate crypto contrarian? - Is the U.S. investment bank looking to buy up distressed crypto f... - #goldmansachs #blockstream #ledger
#ledger #blockstream #goldmansachs
Bitcoin Infrastructure Firm Blockstream Seeks Fresh Funds at 70% Lower Valuation Than in 2021 - The Bitcoin-focused development and infrastructure firm Blockstream is seeking fresh fund... - #bitcoinnews #blockstream #adamback
#adamback #blockstream #bitcoinnews
Der Einhorn-Status von Blockstream ist gefährdet, da das Unternehmen nach einer neuen Finanzierung sucht: Bloomberg #Blockstream #UnicornStatus
Blockstream raising funds for mining at 70% lower company valuation - CEO Adam Back said the fresh funding will be invested into expand... - #bitcoinminers #blockstream #adamback #funding #mining #solar
#solar #mining #funding #adamback #blockstream #bitcoinminers
The latest Blockstream Monthly is out.
Subscribe to stay up-to-date on the most cutting-edge Bitcoin development and announcements from #Blockstream.
Blockstream CEO Adam Back talks Bitcoin over a game of Jenga - Back was one of the few people cited in the original Bitcoin whit... - #cryptocurrencies #blockstream #adamback #bitcoin
#bitcoin #adamback #blockstream #cryptocurrencies
RT @builtinvain
Happy Halloween! Introducing mods for the latest model wallet in the lineup, the @Blockstream JADE.
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