Nic Dafis · @nic
679 followers · 3141 posts · Server

Fideo newydd gan Lewis ar flodau gwyllt y gwanwyn cynnar, gan gynnwys Llygaid Ebrill, Blodau'r Gwynt a'r Briallu.

Wildflowers of the UK and Europe (Part 1)

#wildflowers #blodaugwyllt

Last updated 2 years ago

SiaronJ · @siaronj
63 followers · 235 posts · Server

Dro bach araf ddoe. Be' bynnag chi'n calw nhw - eirlysiau, clychau baban, clychau maban, lilis bach gwynion, lilïau bach gwynion, lilis bach gwynion, lilïau bach gwynion, blodau'r eira, neu tlysau'r eira - mae'n wastad codi'ch calon i'w weld yn tyfu'n wyllt mewn gwrych.

A short, slow walk yesterday. Whatever you call them - there are lots of names for them in Welsh - it always lifts the heart to see them growing wild in a hedgerow.

#snowdrop #spring #wildflowers #Gwanwyn #blodaugwyllt

Last updated 2 years ago