Feeling very accomplished. Spent the majority of the day finalising the transfer from WordPress to #Hugo / #Blogdown. My three websites are now completely PHP/SQL free and blazing fast. And they look amazing. And all open source, just amazing.
(Going to ignore for now that #Quarto seems to be taking over from Blogdown…. 😂)
Hey #rstats and #quartopub folks: I'd like to write up a #casestudy on a 300-level #stats class that I built in Quarto (originally in #Rmarkdown with #blogdown) and that heavily leverages R and Quarto to teach both the stats *and* R and Quarto.
Any suggestions for possible outlets for a piece like that? #academicchatter #academicpublishing #academia #publishing #Statistics
#rstats #QuartoPub #casestudy #stats #rmarkdown #blogdown #academicchatter #academicpublishing #academia #publishing #Statistics
I'm currently in the process of converting all my websites from Wordpress to #Blogdown using #RStudio. The main issues were (1) finding an easy way to keep my Pinterest links intact and (2) offer an easy document-download-system.
I've managed to create two #Blogdown shortcodes that do just that.
Ever since I started my Master's I've become a bit of a #RStudio afficionado - thank you @mcaleerp !
The shortcodes are available here: https://github.com/hobbesjaap/blogdown-shortcodes
Finally migrated my personal website from #blogdown/#hugo/#wowchemy to a #QuartoPub site! I *think* I did all the re-directs correctly, but it may have broken the RSS feed to the blog I rarely update. There are still some things I'm working on, but figured it was time to switch it over!
Spannend, wie sich das Gefühl beim Lesen des Buchs verändert hat. Bei Erscheinen zum Jahreswechsel 2020/21 war es vor allem etwas zum gedanklichen und emotionalen Festhalten, während alles schwamm; jetzt hilft es, der Erinnerung auf die Sprünge zu helfen.
#Blogdown #Lockdown #Covid #GeorgDiez #PhilipGrözinger #Gesellschaft #Demokratie
#blogdown #lockdown #covid #georgdiez #philipgrozinger #gesellschaft #demokratie
Am 16.3.2020, also vor knapp drei Jahren, wurde für Deutschland der erste Lockdown beschlossen.
Schenkt euch oder anderen das wundervolle Buch »Blogdown« von Georg Diez und Philip Grözinger. Ihre gemeinsamen Blogposts in Text und Bild fangen den diffus-intensiven Geist dieser merkwürdigen Zeit ein und formulieren sehr früh Gedanken und Fragen, die viele Menschen seither beschäftigen.
#Blogdown #Lockdown #Covid #GeorgDiez #PhilipGrözinger #Gesellschaft #Demokratie
#blogdown #lockdown #covid #georgdiez #philipgrozinger #gesellschaft #demokratie
I wanted to enable "share on Mastodon" on my blog and ended up using Tootpick (https://github.com/Juerd/tootpick) by @whreq. It was super simple to integrate it into a #blogdown site.
My #blogdown #hugo website is no longer building because of some twitter API issue that I think has something to do with tweet shortcodes 😭. Rather than try to fix it, I think its time for me to get serious about migrating my website to #QuartoPub. It's going to be less complex and easier to maintain and still have all the features I want.
@publicvoit the conflicting MD flavours is definitely a challenge. In my world #RMarkdown is the de facto standard, and #quarto promises to make that a more unified option. But then, I'm still not sure there's enough benefit to invest in switching from #RMarkdowm to #Quarto!
From what I understand so far, there is no #quarto replacement for my #hugo / #blogdown blog.
#rmarkdown #quarto #RMarkdowm #hugo #blogdown
Ein wunderbares Geschenk für Menschen, die seit Pandemiebeginn nicht mehr aus dem Nachdenken über Politik und Gesellschaft herausgekommen sind, ist #Blogdown von Georg Diez und Phlilip Grözinger.
#GeorgDiez #PhilipGrözinger #KleineFormen #ReadIndie #ShopIndie #FrohmannVerlag
#blogdown #georgdiez #philipgrozinger #KleineFormen #ReadIndie #shopindie #FrohmannVerlag
Reading through applications for the ReproducibiliTea Steering Committee reminds me: It is so beneficial to have a website. Just something central anybody can find when looking you up is so useful.
Just in case: if you are okay with #RMarkdown, #blogdown (https://bookdown.org/yihui/blogdown/) can get you set up pretty fast.
Another question for the nerds, ping @dsquintana - why has my #HugoAcademic #blogdown site suddenly stopped updating? I’m pushing changes to #github as usual, they appear locally and in the public folder but not on the site - no error messages! Frustrating. #rstats
#hugoacademic #blogdown #github #rstats
Finally, I updated my #BlogDown #Hugo website to #Quarto #QuartoPub
It's not 100 % complete but close enough to what I wanted.
Tweaks will come in due time for "talks" listing page in particular
Check it out: https://mickael.canouil.fr/
#blogdown #hugo #quarto #QuartoPub
#r + #blogdown + #hugo makes for a great combination. But still, sometimes, it is time to try out something new. So, I ported my website to #quarto. I'm still exploring all the options, but overall, I am pretty happy with the move. Oh, and adding the mastodon link in the navbar is as easy as it gets 😎https://ecodiv.earth /post/switching-to-quarto/
New website!
Now I need to add things I forgot to mention, write some posts, and fix up a few more details. Work in progress!
(built with #Hugo, the Apéro theme, #blogdown and other #RStats friends)
RT @GeorgDiez1
20.3.20 Doppelbelichtung #blogdown: „Die langen Nachmittage rollen langsam vorwärts, angetrieben von nie enden wollenden eleganten Highballs.“ F. Scott Fitzgerald 1920 während der Spanischen Grippe. „Die Zeit zerreibt sich. Sie zerrinnt. Und löst sich auf.“ 100 Jahre später. Wir.
RT @Frohmannberlin@twitter.com
Bis zum 6.12. ist ›Blogdown. Notizen zur Krise« von @GeorgDiez1@twitter.com und Philip Grözinger bei uns zum Subskriptionspreis von 30 EUR bestellbar, ab dem Erscheinungstag, dem 7.12., kostet es 34 EUR. Versendet werden die Bücher um den 12.12. herum.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Frohmannberlin/status/1334417844864491525
So I decided it was time to give my blog a facelifft...
Mostly this is driven by my desire to write data-related posts in #Rmarkdown, and my current blog (written in ancient Octopress-powered Jekyll) simply can't handle that. But, it's also looking pretty dated...
So, I went over to the excellent #Blogdown project (https://bookdown.org/yihui/blogdown/), which is powered by #Hugo, picked a theme, and converted my old content. Took 2 nights, but I think it's worth it. Take a look :)