RT @HorrorWriters@twitter.com
This month the HWA is celebrating Asian Heritage in Horror! We’re sharing interviews from the Horror Writers Association blog series.
Read an interview with L Chan here: https://horror.org/asian-heritage-in-horror-interview-with-l-chan/
#HWA #AsianHeritageInHorror #blogseries
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HorrorWriters/status/1658533089948098574
#HWA #asianheritageinhorror #blogseries
RT @HorrorWriters@twitter.com
This month the HWA is celebrating Asian Heritage in Horror! We’re sharing interviews from the Horror Writers Association blog series.
Read an interview with Catherine Kuo here: https://horror.org/asian-heritage-in-horror-interview-with-catherine-kuo/
#HWA #AsianHeritageInHorror #blogseries
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HorrorWriters/status/1654546841319403522
#HWA #asianheritageinhorror #blogseries
In the first blog of our 2023 series on 'Factions', Dr Andrew Thrush explores the bitter rivalry between the Cecils and Robert Devereux over the succession to Lord Burghley as the queen’s chief minister. Find out how it divided the court during the 1590s👇 http://ow.ly/PbvF50MXI1K
#blogseries #faction #16thcentury