CopyBloggerThemes | tanti #templates gratuiti per #Blogger #Blogspot
I just wrote a new blog post. I'm not sure what to believe anymore. It is a short blog post.
#CBT #FeelingGood #Dr.Burn #blog #blogspot @edutooters @donwatkins
#cbt #feelinggood #dr #blog #blogspot
Solo dos pequeñas aportaciones y una recomendación.
#blogspot #bearblog #lacafetera #carnecruda #canalred
#poesia #PoemaDelDía #poetry #poets #poetasdelmastodon #poema #poemaday #writersofmastodon #bloguers_net #BlogTour #blogspot #blogger
#poesia #poemadeldia #poetry #poets #poetasdelmastodon #poema #poemaday #writersofmastodon #bloguers_net #blogtour #blogspot #blogger
50 #templates gratis per #blogger #blogspot
La investigación de Maragaglio y el Gobierno Mundial continúa y "Los diamantes de Marine" nos vuelven testigos de una cita entre Bérenice y Lleyton Eckhart en Tell no Tales ¡Comienza la cuenta regresiva para la boda de Marine Lorraine!
#novivoaquí #blog #blogger #blogosphere #blogosfera #blogspot #blogpost #blogueira #literatura #literaturaenespañol #berenicemukhin #lleytoneckhart #marinelorraine #maragaglio #fanfiction #fanfic
#novivoaqui #blog #blogger #blogosphere #blogosfera #blogspot #blogpost #blogueira #literatura #literaturaenespanol #berenicemukhin #lleytoneckhart #marinelorraine #maragaglio #fanfiction #fanfic
#Wordpress or #Blogspot ? I've always used blogger & am afraid of change. Perhaps it's time to move on. Opinions ?
Deceptions: how the language used by tech deceives
(In response to #R4Today)
#AI #blogspot
The Alignment problem: should we treat AI like domestic dogs?
#Alignment #AI #Blogspot
Do you gamble? In the quest to become 'Gods' this gamble is critical
#AGI #Alignment #Blogspot
Don't Believe The (AI) Hype?
#AI #blogspot
Okay, I see: the platforms are all going crazy. A departmental blog post hosted on #Blogspot just received a "sensitive content" warning. This content is a video where 100,000 dominoes fall over and it's all related to the moon landing theme. #WTF #Google #Blogger
#blogger #Google #WTF #blogspot
Okay, stelle fest: Die Plattformen drehen alle durch. Eben wurde einem Beitrag eines Abteilungsblog, das auf #Blogspot gehostet wird, eine Warnung vorgeschaltet wegen "sensibler Inhalte". Diese Inhalte sind ein Video, in dem 100.000 Dominos umfallen und das ganze hat mit dem Thema "Mondlandung" zu tun. #WTF #Google #Blogger
#blogspot #wtf #google #blogger
@lmorchard several years ago in the middle of the Web 2.0 boom I stumbled across all these amazing Blogspot sites of people who were converting old tapes and vinyl of obscure 80s music on basically, simple HTML pages. Amazing gold mine. I wonder if that kind of stuff still exists these days.
#blogger #Music #Mp3 #blogspot
Der Blogumzug schreitet voran. Ab sofort befinden sich alle Beiträge zum Datenblog auf #datenkunst #dataart #blog #wordpress #blogspot
#blogspot #wordpress #blog #dataart #datenkunst
I don't know if people know about the Daytonian in Manhattan blog, but it's an incredible resource for the history of #NYC #architecture, particularly residential architecture. It's quaintly still hosted on #blogspot, meticulously researched, and entertainingly written by Tom Miller. Here's an excerpt from the latest post about a #hellskitchen #brownstone. The whole sordid story is well worth reading.
#history #nychistory #ny #manhattan #blackhistory #realestate
#realestate #blackhistory #manhattan #ny #nychistory #History #Brownstone #hellskitchen #blogspot #architecture #nyc
If blogspot (google) is putting every post with the word lesbian behind a content warning that feels like a problem.
#google #blogspot #contentmoderation
Algunas de mis nuevas #poesías las puedes leer en #Blogspot
y en #bearblog