I really feel like the proverbial squirrel when it comes choosing a game to run.
I had planned to run *Dragons at Dawn*, but after a week at a big medieval festival with people all around me in costumes, I feel all giddy to play *WHFRP* instead. Then we have that *Blood and Bronze* game I have planned in a week or two...
#ohshiny #WHFRP #bloodandbronze #dragonsatdawn #ttrpg
I ran my first session of Blood & Bronze yesterday. An interesting game with clear inspiration from OD&D, but also newer design sensibilities.
I like the combination of a simple skill system and the class abilities.
Figuring how how to use the basic abilities after char gen is well done.
We did setup, some travelling, a social scene and some dreams and a fight.
Yes there were drugs, demons and scheming.
#FantasyMesopotamia #BloodAndBronze #BronzeAgeRPG #OD&D #SkillSystems #TTRPG
#fantasymesopotamia #bloodandbronze #bronzeagerpg #OD #skillsystems #ttrpg
I'm reading Blood & Bronze and feeling this could be a pretty fun game. I'm clearly on a bronze age train right now.
#bloodandbronze #ttrpg #swordsandsandals