General | Make the world a better place. Save life, be #blooddonor. | Tedd a világot egy jobb hellyé. Ments meg egy életet. Légy #véradó. #redcross #vöröskereszt
#blooddonor #verado #redcross #voroskereszt
4th #BloodDonation today 🩸
Think I'm one more away from my first #BloodDonor medal?
Also pretty neat custom bandage tape this time, sporting their iconic blood mascot
This afternoon I'm donating platelets again, for the first time in over 5 years. It feels good to be able to do this again. I csn't donate as much money to good causes as I would like to, but I can do this.
It's a slightly odd experience having your blood removed and then pumped back in. Especially as the blood is slightly cool when it comes back.
#BloodDonation #Platelets #PlateletDonation #plateletdonationNHS #BloodDonor
#blooddonation #platelets #plateletdonation #plateletdonationnhs #blooddonor
#OnThisDay Charles Babbage proposed a difference engine (1822).
Happy Birthday Steffi Graf (1969) - only tennis player to achieve the #GoldenSlam by winning all four Grand Slam singles titles and the Olympic gold medal in the same calendar year.
Birth Anniversary of Karl Landsteiner (1868) - known as the father of #Transfusion medicine. His birthday is celebrated as World #BloodDonor Day.
#blooddonor #Transfusion #GoldenSlam #onthisday
My AVIS blood donor booklet was handed to me this morning! Happy to be part of this.
Blood test in the morning. They say they’ll just need a smear.
So I told ‘em "It may be just a smear to you mate, but that's life and death to some poor wretch!"
#TonyHancock #BloodDonor Tees from Sillytees
UA: Сьогодні отримав перший досвід в донорстві крові. Процерура була не повністю комфортною, але мене після процедури пригостили соком, шоколадкою та пляшкою водою 😊
EN: Today I've got an experience of blood donation. This process had been not fully comfortable, but after that I was treated with juice, chocolate and bottle of water 😊
#donate #donation #blooddonor #blooddonation
Just found out my Dad has received around 4 blood transfusions recently so - a big thank you to Red Cross Life Blood and the anonymous blood donors in particular. Thank you.
#blooddonor #blooddonation #bloodinfection #lifeblood #redcrosslifeblood
#blooddonor #blooddonation #bloodinfection #lifeblood #redcrosslifeblood
3rd personal #BloodDonation today, but my first time at the Bloodbank@HSA in Outram
Neat that they grant donors complimentary meals from the cafe right next to it
I'm off to donate blood today. I'm a regular donor but this one is special because my father has received a good many transfusions in hospital over the past few days. (He has anaemia, a blood infection, latent myeloid leukaemia and a bunch of other weird unexplained blood stuff going on.)
So it feels right to give back today. I mentioned this to one of the Drs, and somehow it came out in conversation that I was -0 and CMV non-reactive.
"Ah," said the doctor,
"Your blood won't be going to someone like your Dad. They give your blood to babies."
To babies? Oh the responsibility!
#blooddonor #blooddonation #hospital #o-negative #geriatrichealth #hospitals #lifeblood
#blooddonor #blooddonation #hospital #o #geriatrichealth #hospitals #lifeblood
I just gave blood and I'm so proud I want everyone to know it and to do the same. Or platelets!
#bloodshortage #blooddonor #giveblood #enoughironforonce A proposed Montana Bill would BAN individuals who received the COVID vaccine from donating blood & make it a misdemeanor with a $500 fine to donate or accept blood from vaccinated donors. #montana #blooddonor #covid-19 #vaxxed #misdemeanor
#misdemeanor #Vaxxed #COVID #blooddonor #montana
Time for my second blood donation of the year! 💪🏻
#giveblood #oneblood #blooddonor #blooddonation
I am a #BloodDonor and today, when I went in for my 3x/year donation of double red cells, I was surprised with this mug.
10 gallons. This is Texas, a hat might be appropriate.
@diemure Definitely... and i don't even have rare blood. I wish Red Cross would lower their hemoglobin threshold a bit.
I know the feeling! Low iron and a relatively rare type make for a bad combo. I always feel like I'm letting people down, if my blood can't be used 🥲
Also, not a single person working the drive is masked. Most of those donating are not masked. It's me and one other person.
Folks are gonna rue the day.
It's a Chriskwanzakah miracle: I just squeaked by the hemoglobin test and kicked out a pint of premium vaccinated blood for the Red Cross! It's been forever since I managed to have an acceptable iron level for them, so this feels like a victory.
First Grant Success of 2023 Klaxon!
Very pleased to be part of a team that has won a small award here at University of Southampton, along with Ghanaian partners from University of Health and Allied Sciences.
It’s about supporting blood donation in #Ghana.
#publichealth #globalhealth #africa #blood #blooddonor #blooddonation #health
#Ghana #publichealth #globalhealth #Africa #blood #blooddonor #blooddonation #health