Ciak si dona! Su belli su, che oggi non ho trovato nessuno a donare! Andate che aiutate e vi fate del bene! #donazionesangue #blooddonors
#BloodDonors are trending. #MILeg declares January 2023 as National Blood Donor Month in the state of Michigan because approximately 29,000 units of red blood cells are needed every day in the United States.
@givebloodnhs on Facebook and Twitter are appealing for #BloodDonors:
"We’re in particular need of more B negative donations at the moment, to keep our blood stocks in a good place.
B negative blood is a rare blood type as just 1 in 50 people have it. However, around 1 in 8 people can receive red blood cells from B negative donors, so your donations are hugely appreciated."
#NHS #GiveBlood #Blood #BloodDonor
Further information at:
#blooddonors #nhs #giveblood #blood #blooddonor
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever star Danai Gurira on the power of giving blood
#NHS #BloodDonation #WakandaForever #BlackPanther #DanaiGurira #InOurBlood #SaveLivesTogether #BloodDonors
#blooddonors #savelivestogether #inourblood #DanaiGurira #blackpanther #wakandaforever #blooddonation #nhs
The outdated policy on #Gay or #Bisexual #BloodDonors will be changed in the coming months as new guidelines will be set by the #FDA. An important step forward for all qualified members of the #LGBTQ+ community to be able to donate blood.
#gay #bisexual #blooddonors #fda #lgbtq
I wonder how many of us who are stricken with #LongCovid were #BloodDonors? I certainly was and 1,000 or so less donations a year certainly has an impact.
Finally, some proper progress with #Irish #BloodDonation being more inclusive. New surveys land today which focus on individual risk assessment, not assumptions based on your “group”.
Reaction seems positive so far as genuine progression.
Hard to believe only 75000 Irish #BloodDonors on the go. Would love to see that number swell now!
🩸 Please Give #Blood 🩸
#irish #blooddonation #blooddonors #blood