Good morning folks!
Today's #ThursdayFiveList theme is FIRE 🔥 and I'll give you a wild mix of genres:
#Metallica Fight Fire With Fire (#ThrashThursday contribution)
#ElecticSix Danger! High Voltage (🔥 in the disco)
#BloodhoundGang Fire Water Burn
#Slash feat #MylesKennedy World On Fire
#LeonardCohen Who By Fire
#leonardcohen #myleskennedy #slash #bloodhoundgang #electicsix #thrashthursday #metallica #thursdayfivelist
Throwback Thursday :)
#unrealtournament #ut99 #nostalgia #90s #nineties #epicgames #gaming #retrogaming #bustacell #epic #memories #childhood #awesome #the90s #alwaysut #alwaysunreal #bloodhoundgang #thebadtouch
#thebadtouch #bloodhoundgang #alwaysunreal #alwaysut #the90s #awesome #childhood #memories #epic #bustacell #retrogaming #gaming #epicgames #nineties #90s #nostalgia #ut99 #unrealtournament
Oh mais merci tellement @Monomarchos de m’avoir débloqué un souvenir sur ✌️un autre réseau social✌️
Watch me bien trémousser ma vieille carcasse sur du son de qualité en beuglant des lyrics de fort bon goût
Bloodhound Gang – The Bad Touch
#MastoRadio #FediRadio #PouetRadio #TootRadio #SoundCheck #TeamVieux #WeAreTheRadio #np #NowPlaying #BloodhoundGang #TheBadTouch #GettingHornyNow #TheKindOfStuffThatOnlyPrinceWouldSingAbout #MONOMARCHOS
#mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio #tootradio #soundcheck #teamvieux #wearetheradio #np #nowplaying #bloodhoundgang #thebadtouch #gettinghornynow #thekindofstuffthatonlyprincewouldsingabout #monomarchos
Wenn es eine Band gibt, bei der ich es ewig bedauern werde sie nie live gesehen zu haben, dann sind es #BloodhoundGang
Und das nicht nur wegen des Jägermeisters.
Song of the Day - No 77
Bloodhound Gang -The Bad Touch
"The Bad Touch" is a song by American alternative rock band Bloodhound Gang. It was released in September 1999 as the second single from their third studio album, Hooray for Boobies, which was released the following year in the United States and United Kingdom.
#SOTD #SongOfTheDay #music #BloodhoundGang #dancepop #rappop
#sotd #songoftheday #music #bloodhoundgang #dancepop #rappop
DaD "héhoooo c'est bon là ! Je fais ma crise de la cinquantaine ! Tu l'as pas faite toi peut-êtr... heu ..." 😂
Font chier les jeunes non ?
#musique #bloodhoundgang #punkrock #rapcore #fusion
Tag 22: Ein Lied, dass mich vorwärts bringt
NP: #BloodhoundGang - Along Comes Mary
Die Bloodhound Gang bringt mich eigentlich immer vorwärts. Das ist Gute-Laune-Musik, die einfach nur gut abgeht.
#bloodhoundgang #30daysongchallenge
Un par de videítos encontrados que grabé en pandemia #MrBig + #BloodHoundGang
Brings back memories.
Won't mention of what
Bloodhound Gang - Fire Water Burn (Official Video) - YouTube