Some shots from the #lunareclipse2022 last week as seen here in #tokyo The lunar eclipse coincided with a lunar occultation of Uranus #bloodmoon2022
#lunareclipse2022 #tokyo #bloodmoon2022
Just went to see if I can see the moon rising… British weather has told me I won’t see this blood moon, the last one until 2025
#bloodmoon2022 was magical. The wind blew hard so leaves crackled, falling, branches click-clacked together. The stars were sharp, clear—haven’t seen that many stars in years. BellaDonna&Teddy witnessed with me. Teddy stared at the moon for more than an hour. BellaDonna, growling, tossed rocks into the air, twirled in circles until dust & leaves rose up, spun around her. I don’t know why she does this but it seems like she’s casting spells when she does. Lily trailed me around the yard, yowling.
not a great picture , but technically, a document of the lunar eclipse. #BloodMoon2022 #lunareclipse
The blood moon was very red and very dark at its height. I’m glad I got to see it, but could have done without the cramps that woke me up at midnight. #eclipse #BloodMoon2022