I've been putting a few hours into #BloodNova and I'm finding it a very charming and well done love letter to classic point and click adventures. A tad too linear so far, but a very recommendable experience all in all 🥰
I look forward to playing #twilightoracle!
It took some blood, sweat, and tears, but in addition to the Windows and Linux versions, the Mac version of #BloodNova is ready to be added to the Steam release and here's the proof! https://bit.ly/blood-nova @cosmicvoid @Ross (and no, the game doesn't always run in such a tiny window, I intentionally set it to the smallest size to get everything in the frame)
Here's my Steam Replay 2022 (I also found out how to switch from German to English).
I love playing #pointandclick adventure games and I support (indie) game devs as well!
@shaunaitcheson @tallstorygames @grumpygamer @wadjeteyegames @thatdave @DavidBFox @robertmegone @marcelweyers @cosmicvoid @Ross @shdon @CaptainD @golosogames https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@cavemonsters
#SteamReplay2022 #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #LucyDreaming #BloodNova #Adventures #PointandClick #Games
#games #adventures #bloodnova #lucydreaming #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #steamreplay2022 #pointandclick